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Marvel President Wanted To Burn The Amazing Spider-Man 2's Script After Reading It


@TheMCUExchange have posted some screengrabs of even more leaked "Sony Hack" emails from two years ago in which Marvel President Alan Fine tears apart the divisive The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

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-Foxtrot3563d ago (Edited 3563d ago )

Lol...don't blame him

They didn't even get to the sequel before messing the franchise up.

Even the first one was unnecessary....I just think it did better mainly because of that sour taste Spiderman 3 left us with

I agree with what he said about the films being nothing more then trying to cover up and change the original trilogy just to seem "different".

"Harry did not become the Green Goblin, he became the Black Goblin"

Did he? I always assumed he just picked up where his father left off. Black Goblin isn't even a thing is it?

Porcelain_Chicken3563d ago (Edited 3563d ago )

This is a mostly spot-on written paper. Especially now that TASM2 is out. Alan Fine seems to really respect the original trilogy. Good to hear. And a good sign. *wink* *wink*

I said "mostly" because he said TASM2 sounded too depressing. Forgive me if i'm mistaken but isn't Peter's life about overcoming hardships and juggling so much death, chaos and responsibility everyday of his existence? How the hell do you juggle all of that dark stuff while being a light hearted film and NOT become Iron man 3? I hate the ridiculous amount of puns and one-liners that go into the MCU. The climax of GOTG really put me off. Sony's slipped with the franchise alot, but they gave us Spider-man 2. Which is pretty damn good in my opinion. The Dark Knight levels of good. I'm sweating a bit now. Finding it hard to believe Marvel will give us something of that caliber when they finally get a hold of Spidey. Marvel fanboys will crucify me for this one but the irony that he uses the word "formulaic" is a bit... can't even find a word for that!

As for "Black Goblin" i think he meant Harry was filled with rage as opposed to Norman's insanity. Or he could mean it more literally in the sense that he was wearing black lol. :b It did bug me that Harry decided to wear a friggin paintball mask of all things as opposed to his father's mask. To me, that symbolised the whole 'finally following father's footsteps after being a lifelong embarrassment' thingee. Wearing a paintball mask kinda undermined that a little. A little...

Vames3562d ago

I'm not the biggest fan of Marvel and their need to release films with simple stories filled with cheese. However, there needs to be a fine line between Spiderman's darkness and his jolly ways. A movie about Spiderman is not something that deserves to go dark.

Vames3562d ago

And yes, GOTG had a shit ending for sure lol.

darren_poolies3562d ago

I completely agree (although I very much enjoyed TASM2), all of Marvels films are very samey and I'm really sick of them. GotG wasn't half as great as people make it out to be imo.

RetrospectRealm3562d ago

I think he was more so calling him the black goblin because he wore black and not green, but he was basically picking up after his dad, so he was the new green goblin.

coolbeans3562d ago

"Even the first one was unnecessary....I just think it did better mainly because of that sour taste Spiderman 3 left us with"

As problematic as it was, I still can't believe that's considered a worse alternative than ASM, a film that fails all the down to the costume.

KillerResistance3562d ago

I dont really read the comics, but as i child, ive seen too much Spiderman cartoons that i alrdy know the basic storyline. So how was TASM2 bad? It followed the story right?

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PizzaSteve3562d ago

No disrespect to Jamie Fox but I didn't like him as Electro. Plus they didn't need Green Goblin again. So many other villains could have been used.

SilentNegotiator3562d ago

It's like how MoS used the kryptonians as the villains's been done to death and there are so many other, more interesting bad guys and time periods of Superman's life (than the origins).

Porcelain_Chicken3562d ago

I wouldn't say twice is an overused idea but I get what you mean. Sadly it's the thing we'll have to put up with, with all these reboots. Certain villains are always up to bat first. I'm itching to see Metallo, Parasite, Braniac, or Bizzaro!

SilentNegotiator3562d ago (Edited 3562d ago )

Considering that it has been 5 films in 12 years, I would call twice overdoing it.

Porcelain_Chicken3562d ago

I thought Jamie Fox was weird too. I'd be ok with him if Max hadn't had the most awkward excuse to be a villain ever. You forgot my name Spider-man, why oh why lawd! Grrrrr! Feel my wrath!!!

Who the heck thought that sounded good. :/

FireheroTAF3562d ago

I didn't see this movie yet, but after all of those negative opinions about it, I don't think i'll ever see it.

kevinsheeks3562d ago

The ending. . . my god the cheesy ending -_-

darren_poolies3562d ago

It's actually very good and not even close to being as bad as people make it out to be. Watch it yourself and judge you might actually enjoy it more after hearing all the negativity like I did.

WizzroSupreme3562d ago

There has yet to be a reason for making a New York in which people don't run the heck away from killer super villains.

Ninte3562d ago

So where does this leave the sinister 6?

cell9893562d ago

in limbo for now, its clear Sony needs help from Marvel to turn Spiderman into a cash cow as it once was. The creative minds at Sony have ruined Spiderman to the point of loosing brand recognition. They are damaging the franchise, its time Marvel takes over. I mean an Aunt May movie? lol I dont even see how a sinister 6 movie would appeal to me

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Marvel May Be Planning To Write Spider-Man Out Of The MCU

Lest they one day have the rug pulled out from under them yet again, Marvel may be preparing to write Spider-Man out of the MCU.

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Lionsguard1818d ago

I'll be fine with that. Just as long as they finish out his trilogy. It would have been stupid to have left it on the cliff hanger that they did. I'm hoping they can hammer out a longer contract though. Even if it means sharing Spider-man in both universes.

Hroach6161817d ago

I think that’s pretty obvious at this point. They will wrap up his full arc in the MCU with is third solo film and the second appearance film. They might do another round of negotiations after that. But I’m sure they will finish up what they need to just in case it won’t work again.

Inzo1817d ago

Well apparently one of the reason Sony was reluctant to keep Spiderman in the MCU was because Marvel wanted him to be Captain Marvel's sidekick.


Sony Issues Official Statement On Spider-Man Leaving The MCU

WGTC: “After what's been a whirlwind of a day for Spider-Man fans, Sony has now issued an official statement on their partnership with Marvel Studios.”

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AllAroundDistraction1856d ago

Spiderman will always change just as Batman has always changed... and Superman has changed also... basically every super hero has changed actors... except for Iron Man... They killed him off to prevent anyone else being Iron Man... Or have they?

JokerBoy4221855d ago

Best news I've heard all week. Disney ruined everything Spider-Man was about. They traded a kid who was losing everything he held dear for a boy with very little internal struggle in order to attract the new SJW LGBTQ audience. I'll take Tobey Maguire over Tom Holland's empty portrayal any day.

1855d ago
letsnews1855d ago

dude, Estamos ante un estreno por todo lo alto. No solo llegará en las salas tradicionales, sino también ofrecerá una experiencia más inmersiva en salas de cine en formato 4DX y Screen X con el aliciente de que será la primera película en la que la tecnología 4DX está presente durante toda la duración de la misma. La película se puede disfrutar en formato 4DX en los cines Kinépolis Ciudad de La Imagen, Filmax Gran Vía de Barcelona y en Valencia Kinépolis Heron City; y en tecnología ScreenX en los cines Cinesa Equinnocio de Madrid y Filmax Gran Via Barcelona. Además, en muy pocas salas estará disponible en la versión “4DX Spidey Extreme”, que fue diseñada después de una investigación exhaustiva de cada movimiento de Spider-Man.


5 Reasons Why ‘Amazing Spider-Man’ Is The Definitive Spider-Man Series

There’s honestly no need for a Homecoming when Spider-Man is already Amazing. Sorry, I just had to make that corny and pointless joke before diving into my reasons behind my latest article, which gives you 5 reasons as to why Andrew Garfield's Amazing Spider-Man is simply the best on-screen Spider-Man to date.

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