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Warm Bodies Review | Metal Arcade

Metal Arcade:

You'll be hard pressed to find a more entertaining film than Warm Bodies this Valentine's Day.

January is notorious for bringing out the worst in what Hollywood has to offer each year, even if there are a couple of gems released every so often. When February comes around, even more crappy films are released, including the sappy romantic comedies and dramatic dreck produced solely for making money off Valentine’s Day. However, sometimes we get a great new film that turns the romantic genre on its head, providing delightfully sweet entertainment. This year, I put my money on Warm Bodies, a Shaun of the Dead-type of zombie flick that also functions as a romantic comedy, perfect for the season. Although the concept of a zombie and a human falling in love with one another was intriguing, what truly caught my eye here was the fact that director Jonathan Levine helmed the project. He is renowned for directing the critically-acclaimed comedic drama 50/50, which also gained plenty of attention from audiences and film organizations around award season in 2011. Having also penned the screenplay, does Levine’s adaptation of Warm Bodies present a good film for couples to see this Valentine’s Day?

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