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Detachment (2012) - Popzara Review

Uses desperation and despondency to make its point by plunging headfirst into the depths of disillusionment, despair, and failure, almost never resurfacing for air.

Full review by Chris Pandolfi.


LRA: Detachment - Digital Download Review

LRA writes: These High School/Teacher dramas are not what I would call a favorite genre of mine. But they also aren't my least favorite either. They fall somewhere between sports dramas (being at the low end of the spectrum) and romantic dramas (being at the high end). Just like those sports films though, even my own indifference in them cannot discount the fact that there have been a great many films featuring the student/teacher relationship and how the power of a single person's belief in the potential of others that have been written off can prove to be a winning formula. My personal favorites include Stand & Deliver, Lean On Me and even the more violent (and slightly absurd) offering of a film like 187. I can't help but get swept up in the idea of a group of delinquents rising to the challenge and proving all the naysayers wrong by doing what everyone told them they could never do, which is to succeed. Well, guess what? That is not what Detachment is about despite the somewhat misleading trailer. What is it about exactly? I will tell you.

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The LRA Show Ep. 45 - Detachment

LRA writes: We start things off this week with a rundown on Brian's new super computer which leads into a discussion on all sorts of video games ranging from Battlefield 3, Stars War: The Old Republic and my obsession with everything Mass Effect in regards to the third part of the trilogy releasing this week. Then we get into some more familiar territory with Brian throwing out some suggestions on what order to view the Star Wars saga in, I talk a little about the new African zombie film The Dead as well as my Netflix Instant Stream Movie of the Week and James gives a prediction for how one of the big upcoming summer blockbusters might play out. Finally we wrap things up with Brian and myself giving our thoughts on the new High School drama feature film Detachment. Featured music this week is from the "Detachment" motion picture soundtrack.

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Detachment Review | Trendy Gamers

Trendy Gamers: What makes an artist someone to take notice of? I say it’s when they’re someone who has poignant insights into our everyday world and translates that message into something universally tangible and enlightening. You may have a rough time wading through the extreme negativity of acclaimed American History X director Tony Kaye’s new film, but it’s powerful stuff that would come off as exploitative if it wasn’t mirrored in our educational system day to day.

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