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James Cameron determined to make Alita sequel with or without Disney

Alita: Battle Angel is one of this year's biggest sleeper hits; it did well at the box office, great in home media, yet Disney haven't green-lit the sequel.

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1828d ago
zodiac9091828d ago

I hope I live to see the day Disney implodes, out of their own greed.

Count_Bakula1828d ago

Fuck Disney. Plus we gotta see more out of Edward Norton's villain.

KingPin1828d ago

Disney is the Apple of the movie industry.
what was once a company that was built on originality and gave creators freedom to do what they do best and to be innovative has turned into a money hungry, corporate greedy, minimal improvement kind of company.

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How Did Kanan Jarrus Die?

Kanan Jarrus died in Star Wars Rebels by sacrificing himself to save his crew. He used the Force to hold back an explosion, ensuring their escape.

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How Did Plo Koon Die? The Tragic End of a Jedi Master

Plo Koon was killed during Order 66 when his clone troopers, following Palpatine’s command, shot down his starfighter over Cato Neimoidia, marking the tragic end of the Jedi Master.

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Speak No Evil Review - A Bone-Chilling Experience | Everyone Gaming

Speak No Evil is a bone-chilling experience, one of the only films in recent memory that can make even the most ordinary poolside and family holiday moments feel ominous and haunting, you will not forget this one. It will stay with you way past watching the film. Speak No Evil is not for the faint of heart, especially if you have children, James McAvoy's performance is spectacular at making you feel uneasy and makes this a must-watch psychological thriller.

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