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Love "The Date" Review - AVClub

AVClub: How we watch Love has been as much of the conversation about Love as what is actually in Love. It is, like Jessica Jones before, it a show that is meant to be watched binged. The story moves deliberately, and episodes make considerably more sense when paired with each other rather than when they stand alone. I have not binge watched the show because I would rather write a review of what I’ve seen rather than have my opinion colored by what the audience – that would be you guys! – likely has not yet seen. So I have the benefit of letting episodes marinate before going onto the next one. For me, at least, the binge-nature of the show is a detriment to me. Episodes get better for me as I think about them (see: “Party in the Hills”). But “The Date” was the first episode that I liked immediately upon watching it. Maybe it was the interplay between Gus and Bertie – Paul Rust and Claudia O’Doherty played off of each other so well – that made it so instantly appealing. The comedic beats were more palpable (the episode was written by Judd Apatow and Paul Rust, so Apatow’s more traditional comedic leanings seem to be at play here). Or perhaps it was watching Gillian Jacobs wrestle with her own desperation that was so great, but I liked this episode right off the bat.

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Community3027d ago

‘The Acolyte’ Proves To Be More ‘Star Wars’ Just For The Sake Of It

Is the new Star Wars spinoff, The Acolyte, good? Or is it just another way for Disney to capitalize on a dying franchise?

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Community1d 17h ago

Star Wars: The Acolyte Episodes 1/2 Review & Discussion | Episode 67

The latest Star Wars live-action series has landed on Disney+ – Star Wars: The Acolyte! RPadTV host Raymond Padilla enlisted fellow longtime videogame journalist Paul Semel and PR maven MacLean Marshall to talk about the first two episodes. Although we’re only two episodes (of eight) in, the boys were thrilled by The Acolyte’s excellent start.

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Perfect Match Season 2 Review: Known Faces and Rauncy Debauchery Offer Entertainment | Leisurebyte

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