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Fantastic Four: Why Casting A Black Actor As The Human Torch Might Make A Better Movie

Earlier this week, the cast for the upcoming reboot of the Fantastic Four film franchise was announced. The cast includes Miles Teller as Mister Fantastic, Kate Mara as the Invisible Woman, Jamie Bell as The Thing, and Michael B. Jordan as The Human Torch.

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-Foxtrot3715d ago (Edited 3715d ago )

So what about if we cast a white actor for Black Panther, War Machine, Luke Cage, Storm, Blade, Falcon etc...respect the source material I say. Don't just cast actors because you've worked with them before, nothing about Michael B Jordan gives you that feeling he can pull off Johnny Storm, it's not just the color of his skin it's about him playing the part correctly. Then you have the whole brother/sister thing with Sue Storm who is being played by a white actor, why add an adoption storyline to his backstory in the film when it would of been easier to cast a black actress for Sue Storm it just feels they don't give a flying crap about the franchise and are doing this for the sake of it.

The thing about Johnny and Susan through the comics is that while Susan got her fathers "genius" genes, Johnny didn't and I always felt like there was a bit of friction between them because of that and how there parents treated them, adding Johnny being adopted isn't going to have that theme at all.

You could say they had a black mother and a white father but even then the actors couldn't look more different so that wouldn't work.

At the end of the day it's not really about what race Michael B Jordan's about the whole cast, it's awful. I think Kate Mara is the best one of the bunch in my opinion but 1 out of 4 is not good.

Don't get me started with scrawny little Jamie Bell as Ben (The Thing)


Come on...

Defectiv3_Detectiv33714d ago

I keep reading these same arguments over and over, and they don't get any less childish. Black Panther and Luke Cage are rooted in African American culture, when you take away their ethnicity you defeat the purpose of their character. Boom. Storm, War Machine and Falcon are pretty much throw away characters. Go ahead and make them white, but something tells me you would be even more upset if Iron Man, Wolverine and Captain America were then made Black. Double Boom.

It's laughable how much people overplay the fact that Sue and Johnny are brother and sister. As if they can't work as a family unit because of this fact; no, THEY HAVE TO BE RELATED BY BLOOD!11!11 We have to see their birth certificates!11!! You guys are almost worse than people saying Obama isn't a legal US citizen. At the end of the day it doesn't make or break their character dynamic, just as we saw with the 2005 version where the familial aspects didn't really play all that significant of a factor in the film. That takes good writing; a movie isn't made better by it's attention to trivial details. Triple Boom.

And it's pretty obvious that they are going to go with motion capture for The Thing, in which case Jamie Bell's physical appearance only matters for the small amount of time he will actually be playing Ben Grimm. Seeing as how this is based on an iteration of the comics where the characters are all basically teenagers, it passable.

-Foxtrot3714d ago (Edited 3714d ago )

You want to know why you keep reading the same arguments...because they are valid points. It dosen't matter if they are rooted in African American culture the point is if white actors were casted which changed their backstories abit there would be hell on and rightfully so. Oh and don't try and downplay War Machine, Falcon and Storm etc just because you can't come up with a good counter point to it. If Storm was potrayed as white it wouldn't work because she's black and always has been black. It worked for Nick Fury because in one of the Marvel universe versions he's been black.

Overplay the fact they asre brother and sister....BECAUSE IT'S THEIR BACKSTORY, everything about the characters and their relationship comes mostly because they are siblings. As I've said that friction between the pair at times because Johnny didn't inherit his fathers "genius" gene while Sue did plays a lot in his backstory and character development.

Your bringing Obama into this...REALLY. Gee desperate much.

"didn't really play all that significant of a factor in the film"

and thats one of the many reasons why it was god awful.

It dosen't matter, the fact is THAT's Ben and if they do CGI it would help them if the actor was buffed up to portray that as his CGI counterpart. Who knows Jamie might be suited up for motion capturing and it will reflect on the CGI imagery.

"Seeing as how this is based on an iteration of the comics where the characters are all basically teenagers, it passable."

By the way that Ben in the picture I posted is from the same Universe they are going with for the film.

If you want to defend it fine but come up with better counter points next time....not Obama lol

gigoran3713d ago Show
NewMonday3713d ago

How about a blonde Superman

Or a black haired Captain America

If it was an obscure character like Nick Fury it's OK, but the FF are well known byound comics ever since the Hana-Barbara cartoons.

Ares84HU3713d ago

To be 100% politically correct, I would cast a black woman to play the human torch who is a lesbian and makes it obvious very fast.

You know, just so everyone remains calm.


cell9893713d ago

The moment the director does not respect the source material is the moment I say f u too. Because that's what he is doing to the fans of this comic book franchise and the original creators of the comic (Stanley and Kirby) The director is telling us he knows better. That's why Spiderman 3 exists and it sucked major @$$. Go ahead and cast a skinny Ben Grim like they did to Eddie Brock in SP3 and ruin the character while you're at it. This isn't about racism it's the simple fact that in the source material Sue and Johnny are siblings by blood, and in this film I can already see a cheap cop out explanation as to why they are "brother and sister" gtfo

NewMonday3713d ago

and its not just Johnny, Reed looks like pompous and Ben Grimm doesn't look like a guy who had a tough Bronx upbringing.

SilentNegotiator3713d ago (Edited 3713d ago )

If you were confident in your argument (about how it doesn't matter because his backstory has nothing to do with ethnicity), you wouldn't feel the need to imply that Foxtrot was racist ("something tells me you would be even more upset if Iron Man, Wolverine and Captain America were then made Black").

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3713d ago
FamilyGuy3713d ago ShowReplies(1)
Droidbro3713d ago

C'mon Foxtrot, at least try to hide your racism. No point in using common sense.

medman3713d ago (Edited 3713d ago )

Foxtrot, you're a funny guy. Do you have a problem when white actors portray Jesus, or other such figures, when the vast majority of anthropologists will tell you Jesus most likely looked a lot more like Nelson Mandela or Osama Bin Laden than Jim Caviezel? How about that upcoming Noah movie? Do you have a problem with Russell Crowe playing that character? What about the litany of white actors who have portrayed ethnic characters over the decades? And those actors were are portraying historical figures, not some fictional, fantastical character. Where is your objection to those? Or how about the fact that paleoanthropologists overwhelmingly agree that life originated in Africa, and the first modern human was a black woman, meaning we all have African ancestry? Are you aware that any human being alive today differs less than .1 percent genetically from any other human? You've grown up in a culture where you don't even know how warped and twisted your way of thinking has become. Open your mind to reality, not the tunnel vision viewpoint that is dominating your thinking.

_FantasmA_3713d ago

Huh? Jesus may or may not have been real. But if he was real, he was NOT black. He was Arabic, and therefore he was brown. Do you know geography? 2014 years ago, Jesus would have looked like a Middle Easterner. Israel is not in Africa. Why do black people think so highly of themselves that they think the christian god's son belonged to them? Quit drinking the kool aid. You sound like a closet racist.

medman3713d ago

fantasma...brown is black. And let me repost exactly what I said previously... the vast majority of anthropologists will tell you Jesus most likely looked a lot more like Nelson Mandela or Osama Bin Laden than Jim Caviezel. If you're still confused, seek help.

-Gespenst-3713d ago

So the source material of some comic book franchise is more important than under-represented people in human society? More important than undoing the arbitrary prejudices that still persist today?

It's just the Fantastic Four, there's nothing historically special or political about it like the heroes you mentioned. The whiteness of the fantastic four has no bearing on anything, other than the perpetuation of the valorization of white people in cinema. Needless to say, that's a pretty racist reason to stick to the source material so stubbornly. The only thing that's lost by making one or more of the characters black is yet another brick in the wall of the fortress of white privilege, you can still tell the story of the Fantastic Four, and you even gain some ground in the fight against racism by challenging stupid cultural attitudes.

I mean, why is it so important that the human torch stays white? What is it EXACTLY that you think is lost by making the character black? What is changed other than the colour of the character's skin? You can keep making the argument about sticking to the source material, but what about the source material is so fundamentally violated by casting the character as black? Next to nothing is the answer, so why exactly are you hysterical about the integrity of the source material? Why is staying true to the source material so important to you in this regard when staying true to it doesn't really make a difference? What BIG difference do you perceive?

Deadpool6163713d ago

The source material says they are brother & sister. If one is white, they both have to be white. If one is black, they both have to be black. Do you understand?

If you don't understand then you're simply going to argue with yourself. That's as simple as it's going to get.

maniacmayhem3713d ago (Edited 3713d ago )

How do you play the part of the Human Torch correctly?

It's a guy who turns into fire...I'm sure any b-grade actor can pull off that thespian achievement.

I'm sorry but who cares if the Human Torch is black, white or friggin Chinese. It's the Human Torch, not Wolverine, Spider-Man, or any other AAA marvel super hero. FF may be a well known super hero group but they are no where near in popularity as the X-Men or the Avengers. So casting them with whoever means nothing. In fact hopefully this new cast will bring some popularity to this underwhelming team.

Seriously, not one time as a kid playing with other kids when playing super heroes did anyone choose to be any of the Fantastic Four.

It doesn't matter!

ABizzel13713d ago

It shouldn't be about race, but considering the character is normally based on a "white male", it would make sense to stick to it in the film adaptation. I personally have no problem with a black actor playing the role of Human Torch, and the adopted / half brother role they're going to use is fine.

I just feel that the roles should go to the actor who best portrays the character, and works to get the looks, voice, or build right. If there were other actors who had all that going for him, and they picked him because he was black, and it could be controversially good (in this case it might not go over so well with everyone) then I'm not for that kind of treatment, and it's not fair to the other actors.

But if he sells it, and based on his character in Chronicle he has the personality of HT down already, then more power to him and I'me rooting for him, and more diversity in comics.


I agree with you to some degree, but acting wise I can see him pulling it off. Again as I said his character in Chronicle defines a young Human Torch. Now I'm sure there were white actors who could do the role just as good, and they should have stayed with the source material to prevent fandom outcry.

But movies have been whitewashed countless times, Avatar Last Airbender being one of the biggest culprits of recent memory, and I'm all for diversity in comics and movies where multiracial characters are generally tossed along as filler in a roster.

MidnytRain3713d ago

Not sure about the other characters, but Storm clearly can't be played by a white actress considering the history of that character.

DarkHeroZX3713d ago

In all honesty I'm just waiting for Danny Glover to play Spiderman since the new spiderman was made black.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3713d ago
darklordzor3714d ago

The idea that he's a certain race will make the movie better overall is totally fucking stupid. A really good ACTOR will make a movie better, and it doesn't matter one way or the other what color his skin is.

Seriously, this has to be the most ridiculous idea/concept of an article.

FamilyGuy3713d ago (Edited 3713d ago )

I liked him in Chronicle, I think he'll play the part just fine.

The point the author was trying to make was giving it a "modern" dynamic makes it more relate-able.
For example: Have you seen the new Ninja Turtles and how they're dressed?

They're teenagers so they're dressed like modern day teenagers rather than holding on to the original concept of their appearance from so many years ago.

Stories are usually better when you can relate to them and that's what the author was trying to get across.

noxeven3714d ago

I honestly don't care as long as the movie doesn't suck. I mean really look at the last 2. I mean really. Oh well if they muck it up again maybe marvel will be able to buy the rights back

Software_Lover3714d ago

This is the family dynamic these days. They are just trying to keep up with modern times.

Did Elba suck in Thor? I thought he did a pretty good job and I never read a Thor comic and I never concern myself with what color skin an actor has. I only knew it was a problem when coming to this site. I have to believe that is the standpoint for more than 50% of the people that are going to see these movies. They are going hoping to see a great movie without knowing most, if any, of the backstory.

I can understand why fans can get a little upset, but people are getting angry. It's really not that serious. Its a fictional movie about fictional characters. I just have to say, comparing stuff like this to "what if MLK, Mandela was white" is laughable.

MrWonderful3714d ago

Its like watching Tropic Thunder and seeing Robert Downey Jr as Sgt Osiris lol.

Software_Lover3714d ago

LOL. He played the hell out of that part. That was a hilarious movie. I loved it.

grifter0243713d ago

@MrWonderful- The difference is do you see how much of a contradiction it is with Johnny Storm being played as a black actor and RDJ playing a black actor but being white?

Did you see how damn fast black people were up in arms about a white man playing a black person..a FAKE black person? Yet they have the gall to call everyone who wants Johnny Storm to stay canon IE: White a racist.

It's pretty hilarious to be honest that the ones to throw the racism line out first are always black people.

Software_Lover3713d ago

People were up in arms about it? It must have been a minority of people because I thought it was funny.

Darrius Cole3713d ago (Edited 3713d ago )

And RDJ was playing in black-face, that is an entirely different thing with different connotations than simply playing a character who is different race in the comic book.

You sound young, look up the history white actors playing roles in black-face, and you'll see what I'm talking about.

vitorizzo3714d ago

im sure the dude is a cool guy but the human torch is not black sorry.

medman3713d ago

You do realize you're arguing over a fictional character right? You need a life.

Cueil3713d ago

you do know you've put yourself in the same boat by commenting?

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