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How The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy Changed Movies Forever


Before we embark on a most unexpected journey with The Hobbit, it's worth remembering just how momentous the Lord Of The Rings trilogy was, and the lasting effect Peter Jackson's first Tolkien trilogy had on the entertainment industry. Between them, The Fellowship Of The Ring, The Two Towers and The Return Of The King amount to three incredible movies and 558 minutes of spectacular entertainment, but they also kickstarted an evolution of the movies that we can really only truly appreciate with the benefit of hindsight. Take a bow, Frodo and co...

ssb31734196d ago

For me, Lord of the Rings is the greatest trilogy made. It was just epicness to a point where I would be completely immersed in the storyline. I hope that Peter Jackson can make the Hobbit trilogy just as good!

aDDicteD4194d ago

Lord of the Rings is probably one of the best movies wherein probably anyone who have watched this movie will include it in their top 10 list of all time. the movie is epic enough that all 3 movies could have easily won an academy each and that even the academy rewarded the last movie with a handful of awards. the creation of this movie from story to dialogue, cinematography, supporting characters where all perfect. for me this is the best movie hands down.

alycakes4190d ago

I got the extended special editions of the Lord of the Rings. I loved the trilogy and can watch them about once a year. I like watching the featurettes too on how they made the movies and all they went thru to get the end of all three movies. It's all amazing to me.


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