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Hugo Weaving Back As Agent Smith In A GE Commercial

Vyralize: Hugo Weaving reprises his role as Agent Smith in a GE commercial as an agent of good?

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Speed-Racer4177d ago

I have such a love/hate feeling for this commercial. The character does not suit the idea they're promoting, but then there's Agent Smith! Wish I could see more of him.

Deadpool6164176d ago (Edited 4176d ago )

I was actually hoping Agent Smith would change in the sequels when he hopped into the human body. Discover the plight of humanity and fight on our side. Would have been an interesting transformation of the character, rather than just turning into a serial killer. Seeing Agent Smith fight against himself mentally and physically against the other Smiths would have been fun.

SilentNegotiator4176d ago

I already had love/hate feelings about the character. I mean, first he was in a great film, and then he was in two terrible ones that I wish I had never seen, like the new Star Wars Trilogy. lol

Deadpool6164175d ago

I really think they rushed the sequel's script when it comes to the story. I enjoyed the action sequences, but everything else was cringe worthy. I think the directors should just stick to directing action scenes. That definitely their strongest attributes in the films.

TheHergulaX4176d ago

Hugo Weaving is a friggin legend yet many dont even know that he has acted in some of the greatest movies of all time.

Hugo, We love you, Please never stop acting!

StarWarsFan4176d ago

It's awesome. I don't know if the character's motives from the movie necessarily match up with what GE wants to convey, but the character is awesome to parody.

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