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Top 10 Horror Movie Heroes

Best Horror Movies says: Everyone loves a hero. But not every hero is remembered. It takes a special breed of protagonist to resonate in the memory banks of horror fans. For every 250 Mike Reilly’s you’ve got one Van Helsing, and that’s just the way the cookie crumbles. A hero must first be believable, second be likeable, and third, be pure in mission. Longevity never hurt the top dogs either.

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Best-Horror-Movies4196d ago

As long as we're assuming this list doesn't include women (other than "manly" Ellen Ripley) then I agree with all of the inclusions. Otherwise, I like Nancy Thompson and Laurie Strode too...

-Superman-4194d ago

R.J. MacReady
Ellen Ripley


Legion4194d ago

Just looking at the picture... I am assuming they are considering Hellboy a horror movie? So they must think Spiderman, X-Men and Avengers are also horror movies?

Sorry but if they are not scary then they are not horror in my eyes.

Legion4194d ago

Just read the entire list. Comedy horror is not horror either! Evil Dead... good movie... but NOT a horror movie. It was more comedy then anything!

With this criteria they would include 'Scary Movie' as a horror flick. When it is a pure comedy mocking horror flicks.

The few characters they got right on the list are Ellen Ripley (Alien), R.J. MacReady (The Thing), and MAYBE Seth Gecko (From Dusk till Dawn).

IWentBrokeForGaming4191d ago

Since when is people turning into Zombies not a Horror Flick?

Army of Darkness was the Comedy in the series!

Evil Dead = Horror
Evil Dead 2 = Horror Comedy
Army of Darkness (Evil Dead 3) = Comedy

Legion4190d ago

So criteria for horror is just the fact that it has people turning into Zombies? It doesn't have to be scary in any fashion?

Evil Dead was not in the least bit scary!

Horror would have to elude to some actual horrific material would it not? Evil Dead in none of the movie versions had horror.


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