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'Red Tails' & War Movies For Kids

MovieFone: War films make up an illustrious and robust genre in movie history, but it's hard to figure out when tweens and teens are ready to see the realities of war depicted on the big screen. The WWII drama "Red Tails" is a rare, tween-friendly war film that -- except for a couple of explosions and two major characters' deaths -- omits any gratuitous death scenes. It's probably due to executive producer George Lucas' influence, but the action sequences in "Red Tails" seem more "Star Wars" than "Saving Private Ryan," and that's a good thing for younger viewers.

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The Worst Movies of 2012

"2012 was a year of fantastic movie theater going experiences. From Marvel’s The Avengers to Silver Linings Playbook and Django Unchained, audiences have been treated to some amazing spectacles of action, dialog, and special effects on the silver screen. But for every show stopping and Oscar worthy performances, there are some horrible movies that audiences wish they could not only have their money returned, but also that part of their life that they will never get back. Here is a list of the worst of the worst of 2012." - Craig Kandiko of

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pompombrum4144d ago

American Reunion.. really? I enjoyed it. Granted there was nothing memorable, you could do a lot lot worse.

Batman52734144d ago

It was a slap in the face to the original movies and cast. everyone but Stifler was unfunny and sad. There was indeed funny moments, but they were few and far between with no cohesion. They should have just did a Stifler spin off.

chukamachine4144d ago

The Dictator was funny tbh.

Not all of it, but a lot. Maybe you got no sense of humour, also Continental Drift wasn't bad. seen much worse.

All of happy feets cast should be eaten by sharks though.

Batman52734144d ago

the dictator had a super funny beginning. it had great set up. but as soon as the beard was shaved off, the movie became cringe worthy to watch.


Total Film | Red Tails Review

Set in the same clean, colourful WW2 era of Indiana Jones and taking its cockpit cues from Star Wars, the presence of the great beard is keenly felt behind every frame. Sadly, that also means dialogue so corny that the kids would have laughed at it in 1941 (a pivotal moment is ruined by an Aryan snarl of “die, foolish American!”). Luckily, it’s not the script that anyone is going to remember.

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Red Tails Review |

Clickonline writes: "Given his egregious past, I suspect many of the films problems may stem from Lucas himself. Everything from the lurid, paint splashed title font to the 80s action movie soundtrack and garish characterisation points once again to his love of early 20th century movie serials by way of Saturday morning cartoons. "

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