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SplitReel's 12 Favorite Sci-Fi Films

Split Reel takes you on a trip exploring some of the best sci-fi movies as they list their 12 favorites of all-time.

"Ah Sci-Fi, friend, lover, captain, king. There’s no other like you. The future is a wonderful place, or not."

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alycakes4733d ago

All of these are good choices...a couple are favorites but one I never saw..."Moon". I remember when it came out wanting to see it and then forgot about it. Now seeing the trailer again...I'm all geared up to see it again. I guess I have to go find it so I can see it.

Children of Men, Equilibrium, Minority Report, and Gattaca would be at the top of my list.

filmmattic4733d ago

Great overall list. I commend you for your effort. It is very hard to cull through, what is a very large number of great science fiction films, and wind up with just 12. I'm very happy to see Gattaca and Sunshine represented (in terms of potentially underrated films).

Perhaps, you could have also went with The Matrix, Terminator 2, Aliens, Blade Runner, Back to the Future, Inception, etc., but like I said, 12 is hard to narrow down to. Good job though!

Defectiv3_Detectiv34733d ago

Gattaca would totally make my list. Michael Nyman's score in that movie is one of my all time favorites. He is such an underrated composer. I've heard a lot of good things about 'The Man Who Fell To Earth', I'll have to check it out on netflix instant.

For the life of me I can't understand the love for 'Pitch Black' though. It's pretty standard stuff.

And for those who enjoyed Primer, Timecrimes is a must see.

Arcee4733d ago

Good list. I have never seen The Man From Earth, so I will check it out. But like filmmattic said above, good effort. Winding the list down to just 12 is one hell of a task.

alycakes4731d ago

Any list that would require me to narrow it down to 10 or 20 would probably be to difficult for me to I commend those of you who can.

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