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'Deepwater Horizon' Review - Time

Time: Peter Berg, director of pictures like 2013’s tough-as-a-callus military drama Lone Survivor, isn’t known for his subtlety. But then, in telling the story of the Deepwater Horizon—the oil-drilling rig that exploded in 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast, killing 11 workers and triggering the worst oil spill in U.S. history—subtlety is the last thing you want. The picture is effective and harrowing, not least because it features faces we’ve come to trust–like Mark Wahlberg, as chief electronics technician Mike Williams, and Kurt Russell, as the rig’s crew chief, Jimmy Harrell, or “Mr. Jimmy,” as the crew calls him–contorted in terror and coated with what looks like an unholy blend of oil, mud and soot, often streaked with blood.


Supercell - The All Black X-MEN Type of Show We Crave - GEEK GAME TYTE

Supacell, the new Netflix UK six part series by Andrew Onwubolu aka Rapman, is about to redefine the superhero genre. Think of it as the all-Black X-Men show we’ve been craving, packed with action, drama, and superpowers. With an all-star cast featuring Tosin Cole from House Party 2023, Eric Kofi-Abrefa from BMF, and Adelayo Adedayo from “The Responder,” this show will be your radar this June 2024. Here’s everything you need to know about Supacell.

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The Exorcism Movie Review - Fortress of Solitude

Possession films are a dime a dozen with tons of motion pictures about people spewing pea soup when those pesky demons occupy and live rent free in their bodies.

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My Anxiety Personified In "Inside Out 2" - Review | Everyone Gaming

Inside Out 2 has got to be the animation movie of the year for me so far. It had everything I wanted from the original and so much more I never could have anticipated. From the very first opening scene with that nostalgic, wholesome piano keys of the theme sound from the first movie, it was like my soul was transported back into the feelings the first movie brought about while bringing me wholly into the world of the sequel.

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