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Wander Over Yonder "The Robomechabotatron" Review - AVClub

AVClub: I doubt Craig McCracken and his team created “The Robomechabotatron” and “The Flower” with the knowledge that this season was going to be its last. Instead, it feels like these episodes were structured around the reveal that there is a way to, if not directly defeat Dominator, at least stand up to her evilness. There was a brief conversation in the comments last week about what the ultimate endgame was for the show, and how the characters would be able to deal with the greatest villain in the universe. The two penultimate episodes showcases two different ways that this can happen: through a comical disregard of Dominator’s desires (however unintentional), and an absolute belief in hope, even in the face of doom and sadness.


Ashley Madison-Sex Lies and Scandal Review | Leisurebyte

Ashley Madison-Sex Lies and Scandal Review: The documentary refuses to take a stand on whether or not it wants us to feel bad for cheaters, infuriating viewers with its wishy washy attitude.

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Outer Range Season 2 Review: Hole Up, More Questions?! | Leisurebyte

Outer Range Season 2 Review: This season is as insane and slow as the last part and doesn't attempt to answer any questions, while adding on to those of the last one.

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Monster Review: This Indonesian Flick Delivers Thrills and Chills on the Surface Level | Leisurebyte

Monster Review: While this film delivers elements of horror and thriller, they're only sporadically effective, leaving the overall experience falling short of expectations.

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