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The Americans “Glanders” Review - AVClub

AVClub: I recall thinking “It’s not going to be this.”

It had been a while since Ebola was in the news. It was the fall of 2014, 19 years since a major outbreak in Zaire and the publication of The Hot Zone combined to usher the disease into The Big Book of Irrational American Fears. But that October, Ebola cases were being reported outside of West Africa for the first time, and depending on what you read and where you read it, the disease was lying in wait for you—on public transit, at a popular tourist attraction, maybe even at the local bowling alley. But despite having both a general apocalyptic anxiety and an acute hypochondria, I found it hard to get worked up about the scare. Ebola isn’t airborne. Confirmed cases of the disease still numbered in the 1,000s. The World Health Organization had been fighting Ebola for decades.


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