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Baskets "Picnic" Review - AVClub

AVClub: If Baskets preaches any sort of truth, it’s that under the right circumstances a person can convince themselves of anything. It may be difficult to convincingly deceive others into believing a lie, but it’s much easier to deceive yourself. It’s how Chip keeps chugging along in his go-nowhere career as a rodeo clown. It’s why Martha accepts heap of verbal abuse from the world around her as the accepted norm. It’s why Christine lives a recklessly unhealthy life and pretends it’s fine. These ordinary delusions can provide meaning to our lives just as easily as they can entrap them; they give our actions consequence while highlighting their futility. A perceptive owl in a different dramatic yarn once said, “When you look at the world through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.”


Ashley Madison-Sex Lies and Scandal Review | Leisurebyte

Ashley Madison-Sex Lies and Scandal Review: The documentary refuses to take a stand on whether or not it wants us to feel bad for cheaters, infuriating viewers with its wishy washy attitude.

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Outer Range Season 2 Review: Hole Up, More Questions?! | Leisurebyte

Outer Range Season 2 Review: This season is as insane and slow as the last part and doesn't attempt to answer any questions, while adding on to those of the last one.

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Monster Review: This Indonesian Flick Delivers Thrills and Chills on the Surface Level | Leisurebyte

Monster Review: While this film delivers elements of horror and thriller, they're only sporadically effective, leaving the overall experience falling short of expectations.

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