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Wander Over Yonder "The Bad Neighbors" Review - AVClub

AVClub: So yes, I read Craig McCracken’s post about continuity. It’s an informative piece for sure: cartoons tend to avoid continuity because, bottom line, it’s a hard sell to networks, which thrives on random repeats to keep eyeballs on the screen (although this may change crucially in the streaming era). I’m not at all interested in viewing Wonder Over Yonder through any lens of continuity–I’d like to think I made that point very clear in my previous reviews. I am concerned about consistency though: in which characters act like themselves no matter what they go up again or what “animation” or visual style they’re put through. Wander Over Yonder to its credit also does that very well, which makes it worth watching every week. The substance is top-notch too, but sometimes it tends to take a small backseat to the style, which isn’t a bad thing, but it is noticeable in a way that is beyond any continuity concerns.


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