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The Vampire Diaries "I Would For You" Review - AVClub

AVClub: “I Would For You” is a tricky episode of The Vampire Diaries in that it mostly exists as a plot mechanism to catch the current timeline up to the season’s three-years-in-the-future flash forward framework, yet it still has to find a way to make the emotional aspect of that plot mechanism work. We already know where all of the characters find themselves in three years, and with who; what this story needs to do is make the emotional connection between the characters we know now and the characters we are about to join in progress three years later make sense, even though there are obvious pieces still missing. The attempt is ambitious, but the execution only fitfully successful, resulting in what feels like someone threw up their hands and said “Close enough!”


Ashley Madison-Sex Lies and Scandal Review | Leisurebyte

Ashley Madison-Sex Lies and Scandal Review: The documentary refuses to take a stand on whether or not it wants us to feel bad for cheaters, infuriating viewers with its wishy washy attitude.

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Outer Range Season 2 Review: Hole Up, More Questions?! | Leisurebyte

Outer Range Season 2 Review: This season is as insane and slow as the last part and doesn't attempt to answer any questions, while adding on to those of the last one.

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Monster Review: This Indonesian Flick Delivers Thrills and Chills on the Surface Level | Leisurebyte

Monster Review: While this film delivers elements of horror and thriller, they're only sporadically effective, leaving the overall experience falling short of expectations.

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