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Love “It Begins” Review - AVClub

AVClub: In the world of Love, it somehow makes sense for it all to begin with the two people at its center to be ending their respective dysfunctional relationships. The episode begins with bad sex and and ends with a coffee and a pack of Parliaments. Ostensibly, Love should be a romantic comedy. It’s about two people who meet and start to date in a funny situation, so it fits the basic conventions of the genre. But calling the first episode that feels reductive because, well, it’s not entirely romantic, nor does it force laughter. The first episode is an anti-romance, reveling in the pain that love can ultimately bring upon us. It’s not about the heart-wrenching pain of an epic breakup. Instead, it’s the dull ache of time wasted in a relationship gone wrong. The two main characters — Gus (co-creator Paul Rust) and Mickey (Community’s Gillian Jacobs) — don’t even meet until the aforementioned purchase of coffee and cigs. But their paths are destined to cross each others’ as they both live out similarly sad periods in their lives before rendezvousing at the neighborhood convenience store, in some sort of fucked up meet-cute. They are both at their lowest, after a failed threesome and night spaghetti when it’s time to unite.


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