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Is This Summer's Box Office Bomb-Proof?


I can’t have been the only person sharpening my snarky knives ahead of the release of World War Z.

Overdue and over-budget, the film was shaping up to be amongst this summer’s biggest turkeys. One, which as a fan of the source material from which the film takes its name, I was gleefully looking forward to carving to pieces.

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Crazay3963d ago

I'm more than a little surprised at WWZs success only based on the fact that it's so different from the book which, was amazing. The second I saw fast running zombies, I thought Oh man this is going to be a huge pile of dog crap and it's going to fail miserably. Sure showed me.

craizzuk3962d ago

How about rather than going to see these films as a critic, people actually go to enjoy them. I enjoyed world war z without knowing anything about the book, and hey, it was fun. I intend to see gatsby when it comes to blu-ray, and instead of ripping it for not being enough like the book, I'm gonna sit back and let my eyes do the judging. There's a whole lot of moaning in the entertainment industry as of late, it's almost as if people like being pissed off. Shit, just enjoy what we do have.

Crazay3962d ago (Edited 3962d ago )

It's pretty easy to enjoy the movie with no previous knowledge of the book. Without having read the book you had the pleasure of seeing an entertaining zombie action flick. As a Zombie action movie, it works great but to be called World War Z is blasphemous because it bears little to no semblance to the book. It's World War Z in name only not story or execution.

Granted, I thought the execution of World War Z as a movie was a particularly perplexing idea. The Book is a retelling of survival by different people. A collection of stories that had been collected by a journalist. It really should have been made into 9 or 10 part mini series in my opinion. At least with that medium, they could have done the source material the proper justice it deserves.

As for Gatsby, well...Let's say I won't be falling over myself to see that one. I hated the book with every fiber of my being. I'm aware that my previous dislike of the book, and subsequent write off of the movie because of it, I'm potentially robbing myself of seeing some very good set pieces and performances.

Crazay3962d ago

Come to think of it, maybe the issue is with the way Hollywood adapts these books into movie and they perhaps change far too much at times. Sometimes that change is good and others it's bad.

The Wlaking Dead has changed things up alot from the source material. Sometimes it's good change and others it's not so good at all. Under the Dome is a great series but again, they;ve changed so much up about it that it just feels different and I couldn't even recognize many of the characters.

I think that's what really gets people's dander up.

mamotte3961d ago the autor of the article watched the movie to see how good it resembles the original source, without knowing the fact that the director said, months ago, that the only thing they have in common is the name?

It's good to see people know their business. Still a good movie.

LOL_WUT3961d ago

My only complaint was the ending but other than that it was a good movie btw the whole place was packed.

Garrison3961d ago

These movies are getting great money overseas and even some are getting great money here because slowly people are noticing what movie buffs have known forever.
Critics are full of shit.

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