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Possible Prometheus Synopsis Comes Online

Box Office Buzz says

Here is a spoiler filled synopsis for Prometheus that is currently makings its rounds online. It is being said that this is an official breakdown of the film directed by Ridley Scott. We unfortunately cannot confirm or deny if this is official.


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Crazay4545d ago

As tempting as it is, I will not bow down to my curiosity. I think this movie is going to be awesome so I don't want to know all the gory details until I see it.

darklordzor4544d ago

Wow, that's not a synopsis so much as it is a short story. This supposed summary takes you through the film from beginning to end. Don't read unless you really want to be spoiled...if it's true anyway.

Crazay4544d ago

Did you actually read it? You sir are a very brave soul.

darklordzor4544d ago

No, I actually didn't read that much. Just the first paragraph and enough of the final paragraph to see it talk about 'the ending'.

I can safely say I'm still not spoiled, but I can tell, this summary is filled with them.

Blacktric4544d ago

I read it all and to be honest it's underwhelming and doesn't feel like it's written/directed by someone like Ridley Scott except for some parts. The first "supposedly" leaked synopsis was much better than this (which claimed that Engineers give gifts to humans for reaching their home planet and then one of them betrayed the whole team for the company so Engineers let the aliens loose to hunt the crew but ended up getting killed by them, etc.). I can tell you this much, if you loved Alien, you wouldn't want this to be the prequel to it. It's just plain silly.

StarWarsFan4544d ago

Why would they officially release something that long as a synopsis? I smell a fake.

edwest4544d ago

If any of this is legit, then I can clearly see Damon Lindelof high-fiving himself with the sentence "and she transforms into... the STAR BEAST".

Reads like fan fiction, not buying it. Then again, we've been wrong before.

dennett3164543d ago

It's a confirmed fake, it came from an imdb user who created a sort of synopsis based on bits of info released. Check out the Ain't it Cool News site for links to the relevent part of the imdb forums.


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