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The Walking Dead Casts Wire Alum as [Spoiler]


Rick’s post-apocalyptic army is growing, and not a moment too soon. The Walking Dead has recruited Wire grad Chad Coleman to play the key role of Tyreese, TVLine has confirmed.

Crazay4183d ago


Tyrese is an awesome character.

I think this just may spell the doom for a certain loveable bad guy.

aDDicteD4182d ago

finally Tyrese comes on the tv series! i hope it's not a bit late cause if you know it's already in the prison story arc and if you read the comics we all know what will happen to him. but i guess he's span will be altered and I'm sure that they will develop his character as rick's trusted buddy. looking forward to the eight episode if the article is accurate.

Soldierone4182d ago

I hope this doesn't mean Daryl is going to leave....

Crazay4181d ago

I dunno dude...Rick can't have 2 #1 guys.... We'll see though

Soldierone4181d ago

That's what I'm afraid of....and I'm really scared for 2 reasons.

1 Daryl is my favorite character. Only one that doesn't act depressed and clueless with senseless arguing lol Rick is right there with him, but still.

2 Daryl is the most popular character on the show. Look up anything with him in it, heck he even stars in the game. Killing him off could very easily have a HUGE impact on the ratings.....

I think its best to keep him around, makes it a different story from the comics. You lose him, and they basically go back to the comic book line. I really enjoy the different stories, keeps some of the comic book "i already know!" people quiet.

JimmyDanger4181d ago

The TV show is pretty much its own thing now, very loosely based on the comic. As much as I love it - why are they bothering?

The locations, and general plotline bear some resemblance to a remix of the graphic novels - but most of the characters - if the same - are basically the same in name only.

I don't see why they need to bring Tyreese in. Maybe because TDog (who I always assumed replaced Tyreese as their token nod to racial diversity, rather than the strong, complex character Tyreese was) - was there.

With Daryls seeming interest in Carol - I figured he'd be the meat in the Michonne love triangle - but I guess Tyreese will fill that role now. Also - will we get his daughter/boyfriend's story arc? The prison killer? His arc (if resembling the comic from this point on in any way - which is I assume why they're bringing him in) is drawing near to a close.

It really has tangented so far from the comic series now - I don't see why they're bothering. Running out of people to kill? (Most people who've read the comic won't forget his "ending" and how crucial it is to the resolution of this arc. But that said - with so much gone by without him - it wouldn't really matter what you called the character you'tr bringing in - it's not Tyreese.

I enjoy the TV series for what it is, and think it's one of the best things on TV right now - but stop trying to bring in names from the comic and make them completely different characters, just for the sake of it. You're practicvally inventing your own characters (while giving them names from the comic) - so why not just invent your own characters.


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