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FilmWatch's 50 Favorite Directors

Well the votes are in and the results have been compiled. From Christopher Nolan to Steven Spielberg and Martin Scorsese, to Romero and Craven, to Fellini and Kurosawa. Find out who your fellow FilmWatchers voted as the top 50 directors of all-time.

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Sahil4777d ago

Moral of the story: People on FW.. really like Nolan!

JL4777d ago

lol Who doesn't? He really is one of the greatest around today.

I think the bigger moral of the story is: the FW crowd seems to be largely mid-20 to 30 when it comes to age. I think the top ones are very telling of the demographic here.

Sahil4777d ago (Edited 4777d ago )

Well.. I used to hate batman, he made me like him.. but I love him.

drdistracto7074777d ago

I happy how they worded the title

it is film watches "favorite"
nice and unbiased, just how it should be

on another note, Nolan is great, but not number one to me

my number one is shared between Kubrick and PT Anderson
with the coens and tarantino at number two

JL4777d ago

Yea, I like to stress that this is "Favorite" and not "Best". The two are definitely different for me.

Defectiv3_Detectiv34777d ago

Why though? All pretensions aside, shouldn't your favorite of something be considered the best, at least in regards to you?

ThatArtGuy4777d ago

Not necessarily. You can respect someone's work, but not like it. Conversely, you can like something, but know that it's devoid of any real merit.

JL4777d ago

ThatArtGuy summed it up right there. Examples: I understand what a technical "marvel" Citizen Kane is(was) but the movie itself I found kinda boring and would never put on my favorites. Boondocks Saints I know is rather cliche and nothing impressive from a technical standpoint, but I enjoy the hell out of it.

Michael Bay: really only adept at making big explosions, but I enjoy most of his movies. Whereas someone like Sergio Leone, I understand his contribution to the world of cinema, but since I was never huge on Westerns, he wouldn't be one of my favorites.

Yes, my list of favorites and bests are going to have overlap, but there's a definite difference.

alycakes4775d ago

Very well said JL. My feelings exactly. Some of the best have made some of the most boring movies out there today. But...they had and have a vision that others don't.

Like you I enjoy some of these action knock down shoot em up films just for the fun of watch them because they're fun to watch. All movies don't have to be classics to be good.


FilmWatch Interview With The Clone War's Ashley Eckstein

At SDCC this year, I got a chance to sit down and chat with Ashley Eckstein. Ashley is most recognized for voicing the character of Ahsoka in The Clones Wars film and series.

We chatted about her involvement with the franchise as well as a bit about geek culture. She also talked a bit about her clothing line Her Universe, which specializes in catering to the female audience in the world of geeks. Read on to find out everything she had to say. And you'll find out how you can win a The Clone Wars poster signed by Ashley Eckstein after the interview.

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FilmWatch at SDCC '11: Grimm Pilot Review

This October, NBC and the producers/writers of 'Buffy' and 'Angel' are set to treat us to more of the supernatural. This new series will unleash fairy tales upon our world like you've never seen before. What we thought were just childhood tales are, in fact, true life cautionary tales to warn us of the dangers that lurk in the darkness: supernatural creatures that threaten our existence.

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alycakes4745d ago

I actually like the sound of this a lot. At first I didn't know what it was and didn't even know it was going to be a tv show. Now that I do know I guess NBC is getting one night of viewing from me.


FilmWatch Review: Connect To

"Connect To" provides a charming story that proves hope, though lost, can be found so long as we don't give up. In our darkest hours, life can be rejuvenated if only we seek to follow through and find that silver lining, continuing to carry on. Under the weight of the world, a chance encounter can provide an unlikely friendship to prove we're never alone and all will be well as we carry on. Despite some faults, it is still a compassionate film reminding us that it is the connections we make that can give meaning to our lives and be the most valuable thing life has to offer.

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alycakes4834d ago

I like the concept of this movie but I'm not sure if I can sit thru a movie without action in it. I may have to wait until it comes out on DVD and watch it at home. I'm kinda one of these people that likes to be on the edge of my seat when I'm watching a if it's not drama, suspense, thriller, action, horror, I might fall asleep and that would be embarrasing.