
Persona 5 Review - IGN

A gorgeous, vibrant world and captivating story make for a new gold standard in Japanese RPGs.

Themba762593d ago

and so it begins damn gamefly send me my copy or im going to have to buy it.

Gazondaily2593d ago

Greatness. PS is absolutely smashing it this year.

FATAL1TY2593d ago


PS4 is a beast

MasterCornholio2593d ago


Yeah a gaming beast.


That console has some pretty monster exclusives right now.

georgenancy2593d ago

Are you the same Septic that used to completely shill the xbox brand?Must have seen the light

joab7772593d ago

How do you get downvotes?

S2Killinit2593d ago

This will be my first Persona game. Sounds like im in for a good time.

ShadowKnight2593d ago (Edited 2593d ago )

Actually they're smashing this generation and era. Its the power of the force!

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2593d ago

Just curious Septic. When did you become a lover of all things PlayStation?

On topic though, PlayStation is smashing it this year! Come on Steelbook Edition!


Overload2593d ago

ANYONE who doubted this game, is a fool.

If you have been on the fence about JRPG's before, start with this one. It's a contained story as well, you don't need to have played the other iterations.

nix2593d ago

Septic forgets to have his meds once in a while.

OT, another gem on PS4. This console keeps on giving.

bluefox7552593d ago

He used to be very much pro-Xbox, now he seems to be pro-playstation, probably explains the downvotes, people think he's trolling or something, and maybe he is, no idea.

Unspoken2593d ago

Poor graphics and textures, wonky controls and camera, yet ANOTHER turn based JRPG just set in a different world with a unique art style, no multiplayer, no co op, it's more of the same yet almost receives a 10? Um, ok.

Each of the reviews sound like Otaku fans of the series and over look any issue with the game. I heard a lot of adjectives in this review without a lot of actual content. Wow, I had high hopes for this, but yet another game I don't need to play.

Silly Mammo2593d ago

Alright! Never played the series and this game wasn't even on my radar, but after the great reviews(and the sketchiness of ME:Andromeda) I just pre-ordered it. Can't wait to enter the Persona world.

Sam Fisher2593d ago

Ok lets get this straight ppl, persona has been on sony, like shin megami tensei is nintendo. So in a way yes it is exclusively only ps. I guess atlus needs to make an exclusive franchise for xbox. But the japs dont like ms for some reason

Tear1112593d ago

Agree, 4 exclusives that was a MASTERPIECE came out in a row.

PS4 exclusives master

Unspoken2593d ago

Horizon is the only one on that list that has a chance to have lasting appeal.

NiOh is on Steam so not exclusive to Sony.

tyasia02593d ago (Edited 2593d ago )

@Sam Fisher

"Ok lets get this straight ppl, persona has been on sony, like shin megami tensei is nintendo. So in a way yes it is exclusively only ps. I guess atlus needs to make an exclusive franchise for xbox. But the japs dont like ms for some reason"

Uh Sam Perhaps when Xboners quit constantly saying Japanese games suck and they wouldn't buy them then maybe Japanese developers will make games for XBone.

TheColbertinator2593d ago

@Unspoken Nioh is not on Steam. If it was I'd buy it. You're thinking of Nier.

Unspoken2593d ago

Correct, was thinking Neir, sorry about that. Nioh is exclusive and is the Dark Souls clone, right?

andrewsquall2593d ago (Edited 2593d ago )

Septic is biding his time until Scorpio. Then when it comes out and he can go back to his extreme PlayStation bashing and say "I'm not a fanboy, look at my recent "history", I love both but The Last of Us Part II just isn't that good".
And a lot of people just simply aren't buying lol.

CaptainObvious8782593d ago

Septic, can you explain to us what you're doing?

Because I still remember, only a few months ago, the absolute pathetic pro ms comments you were making.

If you're doing this just to annoy/confuse us, congrats, it's worked.

TheColbertinator2593d ago (Edited 2593d ago )


No,Dark Souls is a Demons Souls clone. So technically Nioh is a Demons Souls clone.

PistolsAtDawn2593d ago

I don't know, they have lots of games getting great scores, but at the end of the day...it's really just Horizon for me...then I have no interest in anything else they released.

XisThatKid2593d ago

Yup score another one for the good guys. PlayStation still crushing it

XanderZane2593d ago

Never played a Persona game, but this one looks great. I do have the Persona game for my PSVita, but I have yet to tried it. I think it's Persona 4 Golden. I'll have to pull it out and try it now.

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 2593d ago
BlakHavoc2593d ago

Support the devs and buy the game man

RememberThe3572593d ago

That's nice but some of us don't have the ability to buy all the games we want to play. GameFly let's me buy games at a discount or send them back if I don't like them. I would buy half the games I buy if I didn't have GameFly.

joab7772593d ago

While I understand budgets because I grew up that way and only recently have been able to buy what I want, this is a game you buy if you are gonna buy anything. Why? Because first you will own it and it's long! Second, you are supporting the devs, and third and most importantly from a selfish perspective, we want them to keep bringing these games to the west!

trooper_2593d ago

You bet I'm buying this.

MVGeneral2593d ago (Edited 2593d ago )

I also understand budget issues, as I also grew up in a single income household. But listen, if you have the money but rather use it somewhere else or for something else. That ain't an excuse. But if you don't have the money because you dont have the money. It's totally understandable. But when developers stop making games because they aren't making money, than no one else is to blame but the people that didn't support it. So if you have the money and you like the game then put out. Support the developers.

That being said. Persona is not my cup of tea. So i wont be buying it. It is probably one of the best games out now, But I don't personally like those types of games or jrpgs in general. I grew out of it, I suppose. As growing up I loved jrpgs, I ate final fantasy for dessert, But I didn't even buy the latest one in the series. And I bought and didn't enjoy Nino kunei, gave up probably after 25% of the game.

fiveby92592d ago

Game ordered. I love P4G on my Vita. I think P5 could even top that great game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2592d ago
Themba762593d ago

is gamefly a bad word or something? the game is increble and ill probably buy from gamefly to save money because im also getting the ps4 platinum headset so either way im getting the game but is it wrong to save money?

Gazondaily2593d ago

Lol yeah dont pay the haters any mind lol.

robtion2593d ago

When a great game comes out it is expected you will buy it to support it. Saying oh cool I'll rent it does not help with ensuring a sequel or the future of the series or developer who made it.

Honestly, what reaction do you expect to 'Oh cool it's out. Meh, I'll rent it'?

Themba762593d ago

@ robtion who says im just renting it ever hear of the keep button? im most likely renting to buy you would know that if you had gamefly im most likely keeping the game just because i cant buy the game immediatly doesn't mean im not going to buy it people have to start spending wisely not just go out and break your account just cuse.

ABizzel12593d ago

With Gamefly you're not technically support the game, because you're just renting kind of like borrowing the game from a friend.

But do what's best for you, especially if you haven't played the franchise before. That being said if you do decide to buy it order it from Best Buy. Their Gamer's Club unlocked saves you 20% off all new games are $48 instead of $60, and it works online as well so if you don't have a store nearby you can still have it shipped at that price.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2593d ago
KwietStorm_BLM2593d ago

lol oh damn you might actually be forced to buy the game. What a terrible situation.

jer11222593d ago (Edited 2593d ago )

Just ignore people this about this. I use GameFly just on games that I'm not sure going to be good or bad. It save me a lot of money it just most recently on Mass Effect I'm glad I didn't buy that garbage. I'm definitely going to buy Persona 5 but I understand using GameFly why not the developer get some money from GameFly per rental people don't understand. GameFly doesn't just buy the game for $60 then rented out they have to pay the licensing fee so the developer makes a ton of money plus they buy thousands of copies of games at higher rate then 60. If the developers don't like it they can actually tell GameFly they can't rent out there games. none of them do because they make a ton of money off of it so people should do some research first. Go to type in GameFly Nintendo even Nintendo came to a deal just recently for switch games.

Dark_Knightmare22593d ago

I love the world we live in nowadays where a game like mass effect andromeda which is pretty good is considered garbage

RememberThe3572593d ago

Mass Effect can kick rocks. And yes in this day and age with Witcher and Horizon setting the standard, Mass Effect is a jarringly unemersive game.

Nivekki2593d ago (Edited 2593d ago )

'Mass Effect can kick rocks.'

Mass Effect can kick rocks? What does that even mean?

If you said Mass Effect was shit, I can understand the meaning. Mass Effect can kick rocks though, that makes about much sense as that throwing someone under a bus crap.

RememberThe3572592d ago

Kick rocks = be gone, go away, out of my sight. Try thinking about to it next time.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2592d ago
gangsta_red2593d ago (Edited 2593d ago )

Gamefly is the truth! It's absolutely necessary to have if you game now a days.

I usually take off every other game in my que and just leave the one I really want that way Gamefly has no choice but to send me that particular game.

With that said, I can't wait to finally get my hands on this game it's been too long, way too long of a wait.

notachance2593d ago

it's been 9 years since the previous entry first released man! can't wait for my Take Your Heart edition to arrive

this is the one IP I'd fully supported from the bottom of my heart if it went multiplatform, you know, that one game you don't care about console wars and just want everyone to try it, that's how beloved this IP is for me.

joab7772593d ago (Edited 2593d ago )

These are the games you buy as you want to keep them. Games like TW3, ME, Nioh etc. Lomg games you will go back to. Rent the rest that are over in a flash lol!

I quit gamefly because I had to choose the two game option in order to hold games forever!

Mr Marvel2593d ago

@ Themba76

Just buy it you stingy b@stard.

YAO-BLING2593d ago

this is why i'm broke this year.. too many ps games.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2592d ago
DragonDDark2593d ago

On April the 4th, Persona 5 will steal your heart!

Deep-throat2593d ago


This year's second masterpiece.

Paytaa2593d ago

Right after Troll and I

ninsigma2593d ago

I don't like to use the word masterpiece for anything no matter how much I enjoy it, but you're right, Horizon Zero Dawn did come first!

DragonDDark2593d ago (Edited 2593d ago )

This year has been pretty good so far. There are more than just 2 games that can be considered "masterpieces"

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2593d ago
il-JumperMT2593d ago (Edited 2593d ago )

I can buy it today as Steelbook Edition or wait until 4th and hope that Zavvi does not cancel pre order of CE. What should I do :s

HollowKnight2593d ago

I'll play this game while xbox fans are staring at the dashboard all day, and Switch fans are playing through Zelda for the 100th time.

2593d ago
2593d ago
black0o2593d ago

what's happening in the Q1 of 2017 is historical for gaming

robtion2593d ago

It's pretty great. Thanks mostly to Sony and Japanese developers.

kangolkyle2593d ago

I mean to be fair it's because hella stuff has been consistently delayed for the past year and a half.

I'm not complaining one bit! It's just if we want more "off quarters" like this to be hot, we're gonna have to deal with delays in the future.

ShadowHarp2593d ago

with the release of the nintendo switch, horizon and persona

fiveby92592d ago

Pretty historic wallet pain too. ;)

Relientk772593d ago

Damn another great PS4 game. Sony absolutely killing it.

PlayableGamez-2593d ago

Or you can give credit to Atlus for making a great game. Just a thought.

MasterCornholio2593d ago (Edited 2593d ago )

Yeah they did make the game but Sony made the platform the game is on. If it wasn't for either we wouldn't be playing this.


What you did was correct but we should be thankful to Sony for creating a fantastic platform for Japanese developers.

AspiringProGenji2593d ago

They are already getting the credit they deserve. Who do you think reviewers mention in the reviews?

PlayableGamez-2593d ago

Wow angry Sony dudes getting mad at me because I told someone to credit the people who actually made and published the game.
Oh god! I am such a terrible person. lol

AspiringProGenji2593d ago (Edited 2593d ago )

Who is getting mad at you for replying? Grow up!

_-EDMIX-_2593d ago

Sega too lol

@Master- Sony made both platforms, Persona 5 is on PS3 and PS4.

Thank Sony for making PS3 and PS4, Thank Sega for funding Persona 5, Thank Atlus for making Persona 5....

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2593d ago
Critic4l_Strik32593d ago

Yeah, killing my wallet! Still gotta catch up on several games

Deep-throat2593d ago

This isn't Sony's game, same can be said about Nioh...

MasterCornholio2593d ago (Edited 2593d ago )

Sony made a fantastic platform for Japanese developers so we can be thankful for that at least.


And for having a fantastic relationship with Japanese developers which is one of the reasons why the PS4 is getting Japanese games.

Legion212593d ago

I don't understand why people thank and praise Sony for these games. Yeah they release on their platform but that's about it. Praise them for their first party

Overload2593d ago (Edited 2593d ago )

They pretty much are, Yakuza as well. They might not be internally developed, but they might as well be.

Atlus Confirms That Persona 5 and Yakuza 0 Are PlayStation Exclusives; Won’t Come to Switch or PC

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2593d ago (Edited 2593d ago )

Legion, Sony deserves partial credit because of what they have managed to build with the PlayStation brand and developers like Atlus, Koei, Bandai Namco, and From Software, were pretty much there with the PlayStation brand from the beginning. Sony has built a track record of making consoles that sell GAMES! Even if Sony didn't make games like Nioh, Bloodborne, Yakuza 0, Ace Combat, or Persona, Sony still deserves partial credit for the success that these companies enjoy today. And let's just be honest about the situation, since Sega doesn't make consoles any more and Nintendo's consoles have all but faded into obscurity (Switch is just a handheld with a battery stand that connects to the TV) do you actually believe that games like Nioh, Bloodborne, Yakuza 0, or Persona 5 would sell on the Xbox One?

Yep, I don't think so either.

_-EDMIX-_2593d ago (Edited 2593d ago )

It isn't, but isn't Sony publishing Nioh? I don't know how deep that deal goes either. I'd assume they don't own the IP, but Sony actually rarely publishes titles they don't out right own.


So admittedly, I don't know how deep this deal goes.

@Over- well agreed. Because of how those titles perform sales wise, I don't think its a good move unless they see a demand on PC. I think PC makes sense as SEGA has got some success with it from titles like Valkria Chronicles. I think they can do a Square ala Namco and port Persona 1-3 and see how it goes, then port Persona 4 and then 5 if they all perform good enough. Square didn't just drop all titles on PC day 1, they slowly began putting more and more on PC to see how the audience felt and indeed, an install base exist. BUT ONLY if Sega feels they can make some money, I don't want them losing money and damn near quitting production of games based on this now.

I can see Persona 5 on Switch too as Persona 3 and 4 did well on PSP and PS Vita, I think as a portable Persona 5 makes so much sense for Switch if it can work on PS3 too. I think maybe its because Switch just doesn't have enough units sold to justify such a port at the time.

guyman2593d ago

Just like how sunset overdrive, quantum break, dead rising isnt microsoft's? give me a break mircosoft fanboy, you're damage controlling

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Movefasta19932593d ago

you guys completely take the credit away from the devs when you say that.They created the game dude,thank them first lmao wtf?This n4g mentality is hilarious. I could imagine them checking the comment section seeing 'yay sony!' and they'll be thinking 'guys...we made the game...'

trooper_2593d ago

Sony is the reason why these games are on PS4, namely because their console isn't closed from creativity and talented developers.

No one said that Sony made these games.

Phill-Spencer2593d ago (Edited 2593d ago )

Ofcourse the devs have to be credited, no doubt. But it's sony achievement to build an environment with their consoles where these japanese devs also are able to make good money outside of japan and therefore also release their games on western markets, which benefits ps4 gamers.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2593d ago
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To commemorate the Persona 5 series exceeding 10 mln copies, messages have arrived from the creators

Since its release in 2016, the "Persona 5" series has won numerous game awards around the world and received enthusiastic support from everyone, with cumulative sales of over 10 million units worldwide.

Read Full Story >>

The Best Turn-Based RPGs if You Hate Turn-Based Combat

In the world of video games, there’s no genre quite as notoriously difficult to get into as the Turn-Based RPG. Lets review a few RPGs you can play if you’ve tried the biggest and best in turn-based combat and never found it appealing.

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shinoff2183138d ago

Sea of stars while seeming pretty good so far doesn't belong in the top rpg discussion. There's way better ones. I'd tell them to play star ocean 2. One of the best non turn based rpgs ever. It has everything.

raWfodog137d ago

And if the list is limited to just turn-based RPGs, I can think of better ones to add to this list. You have the Dragon Quest series, the Trails series…Persona 5 Royale is on the list but why limit it to just that one? P3 and P4 were great as well.

Zenzuu138d ago (Edited 138d ago )

The Legend of Dragoon, Legend of Legaia, or the Shadow Hearts games has decent enjoyable turn based combat system.


The Persona 5 Series Has Sold Over 9 Million Units Worldwide

The Persona 5 sub-series has surpassed 9 million copies worldwide and now contributes to over 50% of the series' total sales.

shinoff2183317d ago

Would be plus+1 more if they'd settle the fk down and stop re releasing it. I'm waiting on the definitive one over here

BrainSyphoned317d ago

It's ok, I bought 4 to your zero, they don't need your pity purchase. Every version was definitive and has their own perks.