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The Saturday Spot: Will Verizon’s Six Strike Policy Hold?

Voice of TV: In the newest iteration of The Saturday Spot, our writer talks about how you naughty copyright infringers might be in trouble with Verizon later this year as well as touch on two monopolies that operate in a country that hates monopolies.

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Soldierone4126d ago

Its absolutely stupid that these companies are attacking pirates. You know I've been wanting to see a movie for a while now, and actually have several gift cards to movie theaters and simply haven't seen anything I want to spend money on. I have money to buy a movie, but its all ridiculous prices for a majority of them.

I don't pirate movies. However look at the benefits of it. You get past the DRM crap entirely. You don't see 5 "we think you stole this" screens you can't skip, you can transfer it to any device you want as many times as you want, you don't need accounts to download it, and can simply enjoy the movie. Now go spend 20 to 30 dollars on that same movie.... you get the screens, are limited to what you copy it to and how many times, its constantly checking to make sure its legit, etc....

You are treated like a thief when you are legit, so why not be the thief? Thats just one of the many reasons I find it stupid.


Here is the everything about Peacock streaming service by NBC

NBC/Universal announced details about its streaming service Peacock today. It seems to have a big catalog with big titles and original content as well as live TV, national and international sports. The company also set a active user target to itself, which shows there is a long term investment plan behind it. Peacock will also benefit from the original content that will come from Universal Studios and DreamWorks.

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5B trailer (Verizon Media)

5B is the inspirational story of everyday heroes who took extraordinary action to comfort, protect and care for the patients of the first HIV/AIDS ward unit ...


Comcast's XFINITY App Becomes XFINITY Stream

Carl Williams writes, "It seems that Comcast is dead set on making customers mad on a regular basis. This is never more evident than how they treat their customers that use the Comcast mobile apps. Take the XFINITY app for instance. While not loved, it was serviceable. That apparently is too much serviceability for Comcast to stand as they made some major changes to that app and now it is called the XFINITY Stream."

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