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It isn't the nature of the medium, hence the name 'comic'. To address the subject at hand, I think that whatever fits the characters, subject matter, and setting should be the ideal approach. Not every movie needs to be The Dark Knight, nor do they have to be Spider-Man '02.

4054d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

After his comments about kick ass 2, not gonna happen. If Carrey signed on for this role, I'd expect nothing less than a watered down Carnage...who's supposed to be a violent, murderous psycho. No thanks. In all honesty, the symbiotes aren't even among Spider-Man's better villains; they're just popular because they look 'cool'

4058d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well, when you attempt to use hyperbole to bolster your point(he's a comedian in a comedy!), it's hard to take what you say seriously. There are shades of grey between the extremes of drama and comedy; stop insinuating that anything that isn't pure drama must be pure comedy...get some perspective.

Several films have blended elements of both to great effect. Humor, in and of itself isn't awful if it's done well & manages to fit the context of the cha...

4078d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The dark & serious bandwagon rears its ugly head yet again. Not every film needs to ape that style to succeed, nor will it fit with every character and story, as those above have stated.

4079d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Things have been developing to this point for well over a decade now. Shouldn't be much of a surprise by now.

I'd bet a dime to a dollar that the only thing keeping studios from releasing to home media as early as 2 months is their own obligations to studio chains.

4099d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks awful.

4117d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I think you're shoehorning Bond into a similar category as Batman and oversimplifying everything the character represents; they're nearly nothing alike. From their motivations, beliefs, lifestyles, conflicts, personalities, or even thematically, Bond and Batman are about as far from one another as it gets. May as well say that John McClane is like Indiana Jones. And as far as excelling with action sequences, I'd say he's decidedly hit or miss. For one thing, he can't sh...

4143d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

For as much as I like Nolan, I don't want him directing Bond. He doesn't have the sensibilities IMO. The guy is good at what he does, but he can't do it all. Just as I wouldn't want Spielberg directing the Hangover, I wouldn't want to see Nolan on a Bond flick.

4144d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment


Ok you win, it was terrible. Don't know what I was thinking, but your succint, logical points really swayed me. Thanks for that.

4144d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, tell me why you disagree then instead of dodging every point that's made. I'm not sure how you can conclude that I didn't read your op-ed(it definitely isn't what I'd call an article) when I addressed every point you took issue with. Your lack of both logic and basic comprehension is staggering, so it's quite clear to me now why you wrote what you did in the first place. Carry on.

4144d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The twist didn't need defending, and that certainly isn't what Black is doing here. Say what you want about the film, but the twist was brilliantly executed, and Kingsley's performance, on both sides of the ruse was nothing short of masterful. If the various award ceremonies ever recognized smaller roles such as this, Kingsley's performance would be a shoe-in for nominations across the board, at the very least.

The movie lost quite a bit of traction after th...

4145d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Calling me a shill doesn't negate my points, but ok. The SHIELD nitpick isn't worth any more time than what I gave it, as that is a trope that countless action yarns succumb to. Is it nonsense in the strictest sense? Of course it is, but if you want to argue such a silly point, where was the military, Captain America, and a whole host of other heroes who would have a vested interest in the POTUS being strung up on an oil rig? If you're going to resort to this type of argument, ...

4145d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm stunned by how poorly thought out this is. IM3 was far from perfect, but these aren’t even nitpicks, let alone legitimate problems. It seems like you can't get past your own preconceived notions, as well as misunderstanding key aspects of the film.

1. SHIELD involvement. Again, I'm stunned that throughout the film, such a minute detail was nagging you the entire time. A Nick Fury CAMEO would have made this right? Please.

2. The twist. Lo...

4145d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The new trailer didn't impress me at all. I'll give it a look because of what it is, but my expectations are on the low end.

4146d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment ain't anywhere near what I'd call "many". I'm living in Beijing for the time being, saw the movie yesterday, and the only noise I heard from the audience was laughter at the comedic bits.

When there's nothing of substance to write about, resort to sensationalism, I suppose.

4156d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Didn't have anywhere near the impact of the previous trailer, and the music this time around was terrible. Still looking forward to the film, however.

4174d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

An Academy Award is hardly any sort of meaningful measure of an actor's worth. The entire show is an abomination.

He doesn't need a gold statue for us to understand that he's one of the best of our time.

4186d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hate to say it, but I don't really see the point of this list. Tarantino isn't a particularly prolific filmmaker; this list may as well have been called "Tarantino's Major Releases".

One of my favorite filmmakers to be sure, but this wasn't very enlightening.

4192d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didn't find Origins campy at all; took itself way too seriously to be remotely close to anything I'd consider camp. Aside from that, it being slightly better or worse than X3 is neither here nor there. A bad film is a bad film, and these two examples were especially terrible.

Like I said, this trailer is good, but I have my reservations.

4194d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How do you know it works if the movie isn't out yet?

I remember Origins, among many other movies, having awesome trailers too, but the finished product? Different story.

4194d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment