From TMP:
When it comes to superhero movies, nothing is more important than the origin story. It sets up not just the character, but the tone and future plot points of the franchise to come (or in some cases, the movie itself). If you botch this, then you’ve already botched the entire franchise potential. And for a movie like this week’s Green Lantern, first impressions are everything. Green Lantern needs to nail its origin story if it hopes to become the next big superhero franchise. Here are eight other origin stories that Green Lantern should try to emulate if it wants to hit its mark.
Superman and Fantastic Four trailer reactions suggest we’re officially at war.
TNS: Josh Brolin spoke to The Great Creators podcast about underrated actors and his unique career, unveiling a lot of hard-won wisdom.
This past year delivered blockbuster entertainment, but we have a few requests for 2025 if jolly ol’ Saint Nick obliges.
I wasn't a fan of The Incredibles like everybody else seemed to be. I thought it was of course a great movie but it wasn't the 10/10 masterpiece everyone tells me it was (at least to me).
The live action TMNT's were brilliant back in the day. It's been years since I sat down and watched one of those.
Happy to see Kick-Ass on there too, I love that film.
Definitely not number 1 for The Incredibles but other than that the list is a good one.
Finally saw Super 8 this weekend....great movie. Those kids were so good. It took me back to ET.
Personally, I think Unbreakable should be #1. Batman Begins did nail the origins part of the character, but the rest of the movie wasn't very good. I might add The Mask of Zorro with Antonio Banderas. I love the scene where Anthony Hopkins is training him. Zorro did after all influence Batman. He's just as good as a superhero IMO.
I disagree with the ordering of this list (especially Incredibles at #1, though I think it deserves to be on the list) but overall I find it pretty agreeable. Can't believe Superman doesn't pop up at all though.
This article on origin stories reminds me on why I hate origin stories...Why do we need origin stories? Honestly...I understand building a new character so you can learn about him, but there are other options around it.
Origin stories are simply just the easiest way to make a movie and it gets old.