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DTF: Review- 127 Hours

Dedicated To review Danny Boyle's latest, 127 Hours - a true story of mountaineer Aron Ralston whose arm became trapped between a boulder and canyon wall.

DTF write "127 Hours is not an easy watch - gripping, ridden with tension and hard-hitting, but not easy. Fresh from Slumdog Millionaire fame and fortune, Danny Boyle forwent accepting big-budget blockbusters (he was rumoured for taking the Bond helm) and has instead given us a remarkable study of human nature in the face of extraordinary amount of pain and torment. The story of mountaineer Aron Ralston - whose hand..." [ctd.]

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10 Years Later:’127 Hours’ vs. ‘Buried’

Back in 2010, there were two popular movies released which take place entirely (or almost entirely) in a confined space wherein a man is trapped and fighting for his life.

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17 Best Survival Movies of All Time

Chillopedia: King Solomon s/o King and Prophet David once said, and so is written in the book of Proverbs , ‘The prudent see danger and take refuge…’. Survival doesn’t happen just by chance but by profound wisdom, rightful strategy, strong willpower and tremendous courage and the survival movies need to be very carefully filmed, structured and directed.

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Entertainment Focus - Review: 127 Hours

Aron Ralston (James Franco – Pineapple Express) is a mountain climber on a routine trek across canyons in Moab, Utah. Whilst navigating a crevice, he loses his balance and falls down against a boulder which is nestling between the walls of the canyon. The shifting boulder crushes his hand and wedges Aron against the cave wall and leaves him trapped, isolated from help and with no one knowing his location. Aron takes stock of his life as he comes to terms with his predicament and the realisation that drastic measures will need to be taken if he is to survive this situation.

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TheReflectedGod4801d ago

a little late to watch one of the best movies last year ha ha

-Superman-4800d ago

Ye, i liked this movie also.
James Franco was great !

Nes_Daze4801d ago

a bit too harsh, I think this film deserves more than just 3/5.

Sahil4801d ago

fantastic movie, loved every bit

artsaber4800d ago

You almost forget that Franco is an actor at all in this film. I found it to be an amazing watching experience. The fact that you know the outcome does not affect the deeply entrenched quality of acting, human reflection, and heart felt dedication that Franco delivered in this film. Anything less than 4/5 is blasphemy. Franco deserves an award for this project.

alycakes4798d ago

I wanted to watch it. I know it's a great movie and I love movies based on true them all the time but I'm going to be honest here. I am not a squeamish person when I'm watching fiction bloody horror or shoot em up films but I don't know that I can take watching the part where he has to cut his arm off. I heard it was very it? Do they really show it look really real?