
Forbes: 9 Reasons To Buy An 'Xbox One X' Instead of a 'PS4 Pro'

"These days, it's hard to find a console not worth buying which just makes picking and choosing a console that much more difficult.

Well, we're here to help. As Christmas approaches, there are more choices than ever before when it comes to the Big Three and their video game systems. Both Microsoft and Sony offer two models of the Xbox One: The standard Xbox One S and the premium Xbox One X. Sony offers two as well: The standard PS4 Slim and the premium PS4 Pro."

sammarshall1022368d ago (Edited 2368d ago )

It seems like a much nicer upgrade

It's an even greater purchase for a PS4 owner who hasn't played Xbox games like Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive, Ori, Ryse, Cuphead, Halo 5 (multiplayer)

Both consoles FTW!!!

NewMonday2368d ago

you just highlighted the problem with Xbox, these exclusives are old 2-4 year old games and nothing upcoming.

threefootwang2368d ago (Edited 2368d ago )

Que the "nothing upcoming" non existent exclusives line.

This just shows how incredibly ignorant you, as well as most PS fanboys are on this site.

It's a fact that games are actually coming, but you, like most PS fanboys stick to this hopeless rebuttal of "no games" in the pathetic attempt of the blind leading the sheep, because truthfully, that's all you fanboys have left to resort to.

Cuphead (just came out), Forza 7 (just came out), State of Decay, Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves, PUBG to list a few.

Add on to that, huge collection of 360 and original Xbox games, there's plenty to do on the Xbox.

And as for those games that have already been out, well for someone like me who hasn't played them, ntm getting enhanced patches as well as free dlc (Recore), it's refreshing to play.

ApocalypseShadow2368d ago

Actually, every game you mentioned was announced years ago and some haven't even been released because they were pushed back yet again until 2018. You got a 2D game and a "every year there's a Forza" racing game. Oh wait, you got Halo wars 2 that I don't see anyone ever talk about in the threads. Like not at all. That's how great that release was.

Instead of a constant release of new IPs, or paying to get a sequel to Blue Dragon or Lost Odyssey, you are happy they allow you to play games you can play already on the consoles they released on.

"Oh thank you Microsoft for allowing me to play a game I can play already on an OG Xbox or Xbox 360." "I bought this new console because I really wanted to play the games I played already." "No need to create new studios or games for me." "Just update Stubbs the Zombie."" I'm really excited for that in 4K." "And if Xbox One Two comes out, please update Blinx in 8K." "And while doing that, withhold any games for the last three years of Xbox one so that they can be launch titles for Xbox One Two."

But hey, you're happy that they are one of the richest companies putting out the least amount of effort on consoles. But they want to be the leader right?

XStation4pio_Pro2368d ago

how many multiplatform games are coming out and were just released. so far over 150. all with superior performance. plenty of reasons to get a one x. its not like gen 8 consoles only play exclusive content. the biggest selling IP 9 out 10 times aren't even exclusives. look at any sales charts for the last 5 years. and... the biggest selling game of 2017 is launching on X in a few weeks. its a bs argument. exclusives are great but nobody just only plays exclusives and the majority of games aren't exclusives. i'll take that performance. I already have a one x and a pro and its already setting up the pattern of the X getting everything and the pro runs HZD (but i already finished it so not really playing it).

UltraNova2368d ago (Edited 2368d ago )

"how many multiplatform games are coming out and were just released. so far over 150. all with superior performance"

As long as 99% of xb1s out there are the OG, not the X that ^^ claim is null, void and ignorant. The overwhelming majority will experience best performance on PlayStation until the end of this gen, just as they did since 2013. Same way PC superior perfomance is irrelevant to a console gamer.

Let that sink in for a minute.

sammarshall1022368d ago

There will still be games like State of Decay 2, Ori and the Blind Forest 2, Forza Horizon 4, Crackdown 3, Halo 6, Gears of War 5, Sea of Thieves and new games to be shown at E3

Lighter92368d ago


So, I should buy a new Xbox because of the exclusives that will be coming out 2-5 years from now? Yeah, no.

robleroy2368d ago

advice for xbox fanboys (I was one)
Please lookup the first party game developers list from Microsoft....and then compare it to the list of SONY.
MS just noted that they 'again as each year...' will start investing in exclusive games (especially for xbox x)...but it will take 2 to 5 years to see the outcome..they say..
The only exclusives for xbox one X that will come out now will be third party exclusives made like Ryse, Sunset Overdrive. There is a 10% chance one would actually be AAA good.
Because SONY manages their game-houses top-down successfully they have a higher success rate (40% that the first party exclusive will turn out a hit) and SONY also has more exclusives built from the ground up for PS4.
MS is just not as good and willing as SONY to invest in their own game-houses.
MS tried and failed in the xbox, xbox360 era. It was just too difficult\expensive for Microsoft to manage their game-houses (Bungie, Fable etc etc). Their management structure was just not good enough. But MS certainly tried hard.
They wont burn their finger twice.
So selling the masses that AAA exclusives will come is the best tactic they must uphold. If enough consoles are sold MS will probably make a deal again with EA to charter some exclusive from a EA game-house (You really don't think it was Microsoft's own idea to come up with the DRM thing do you??? ....)
MS just does not invest in games. It just invests in game publishers (like EA)
MS rather pay for exclusivity and SONY rather pay for game diversity and development (the reason for their slogan 'this is for the players')

Also the TON of investment in PSVR games aside ps4 console games is mindblowing.
And there is also the PSP...
What does microsoft have???....please...
MS has a good sales department. because there is no real reason they are selling as much as they do now.

Skankinruby2368d ago (Edited 2368d ago )

Lol @threefootwang
First of all your username alone spells insecurity. Then you go on an arrogant rant about the ignorance of playstation fanboys and proceed to defend xbox with a redundant, weak, and small list of exclusives which you probably own none of. Just stop kid you sound ridiculous.

trooper_2368d ago (Edited 2368d ago )


If he's so ignorant, then why don't you name some exclusive heavy hitters that are coming? Don't mention Halo, Forza or Gears.

Oh, and Cuphead is on PC, which isn't owned by Microsoft. And the games you just listed are also going to be on PC or on PC already. Crackdown 3 doesnt even have a solid release date.
I'll wait.

S2Killinit2368d ago

The fact that its games library is so empty of anything worthy of the price tag is the one reason im going to pass. Why would i pay over $550 dollars if they dont show any readon to own it.

2368d ago
Xb1ps42368d ago (Edited 2368d ago )

And you lack reading comprehension.

Why you treat games as if they have an experation date? If the person never played the game before why would it matter when the game released?

zerocarnage2368d ago

Yes there are games upcoming, were only a month away from 2018.

So what if the games are 2-4 years old that doesn't even bother gamers who want to play different games on either of the consoles, it's more of the fact it's still new to them because they have not played it.

PistolsAtDawn2367d ago

Problem is that X provides ton more value. Not only is it better for EVERY SINGLE multiplat game in every single aspect of gaming, but it has more upcoming great exclusives I wanna play than every other console combined. The next must have PS game for me is still probably a year away. Ps is really good at making very niche good games that most gamers have no interest in.

JackBNimble2367d ago

So why would I spend another $500usd on a console to play games that I can already play on the console I own. And if I wanted the so called "best" version of the games I play, I would have to buy those games for the 1x that I already own on my console of choice.

It's not even close to being worth it.

Prem8tuaProcrastin8a2367d ago (Edited 2367d ago )

PUBG, State of decay 2, crackdown 3, and sea of thieves are all coming in the next 6 months, how many more does ps4 have in the same time frame?

Prem8tuaProcrastin8a2367d ago (Edited 2367d ago )

@apocalypse you mean like how nearly all the ps4 exclusives Sony had in early 2017 were push backs from 2016? The second half of 2016 Sony had...tlg, while ms had gears 4, fh3, dr4, and recore. This "PlayStation has more exclusives" narrative is pure bullshit.

JonnyBigBoss2367d ago

I'm visiting this site for my first time in quite a while, and I almost forgot about how sad console fanboys are. Seriously, your need to project hatred on other people for the things they like is abhorrent.

darthv722367d ago

Wait... you are telling me that because those games are 2-3 years old, they can never be new to someone who hasn't played them.......?

WilliamSheridan2367d ago

This is the first year Sony had a good AAA 1st party lineup, and now they act like they've had a steady stream of hits...

combatcash2367d ago

Honestly that is the problem, new IP's don't sell well on the Xbox. Very sad that games like Ryse, Quantum Break and Sunset Overdrive did very poorly. Probably why they haven't invested in new IP's.

Kyizen2367d ago

3 of 5 of those are on PC

OnionThief2367d ago

But I can play all those titles on my PC and not have to pay for online... I could play PUBG almost a year on my PC...

343_Guilty_Spark2367d ago

A good game is a good game. Many have not played these titles.

Ceaser98573612367d ago (Edited 2367d ago )

"This just shows how incredibly ignorant you, as well as most PS fanboys are on this site. "
Of all you're saying this? Damn!! Aren't you the one who said Pro is useless and nobody cares about the exclusive the PS4 offers... Damn! look at you now... Hypocrisy much ...

"PUBG, State of decay 2, crackdown 3, and sea of thieves are all coming in the next 6 months, how many more does ps4 have in the same time frame?"

PUBG will come on the PS4

As usual Xbox will always bank on Timed exclusive also those you have mentioned are coming on PC as well and hey! did you just say "how many more does ps4 have in the same time frame?"" LOL! God of War is enuff to take on every game you named .. Followed by Spiderman.. Yakuza 6 to name few.. and Looking at the amount of Exclusives PS4 gonna have on 2018 is outstanding so dont come up and say what does the PS4 offer in 2018 be it at any given time frame...

CoinOrc2367d ago (Edited 2367d ago )

"you mean like how nearly all the ps4 exclusives Sony had in early 2017 were push backs from 2016? The second half of 2016 Sony had...tlg, while ms had gears 4, fh3, dr4, and recore. This "PlayStation has more exclusives" narrative is pure bullshit."
"This is the first year Sony had a good AAA 1st party lineup, and now they act like they've had a steady stream of hits..."
I guess Xbox fans can't count.
PS4 exclusives in 2016:
Street Fighter V, MLB 16 The Show, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted 4, Guilty Gear Xrd, Star Ocean: Intergrity and Faithlessness, No Man's Sky, King of Fighters XIV, World of Final Fantasy, The Last Guardian
Xbox One exclusives in 2016:
Quantum Break, Recore, Forza Horizon 3, Gears of War 4, Dead Rising 4 (timed exclusive)
That's 10 exclusives to 5 exclusives and I'm being generous by counting a timed exclusive for Xbox. In case any Xbox fans say most 2016 PS4 exclusives were delayed from 2015, here's a list of PS4 exclusives in 2015:
The Order: 1886, Bloodborne, MLB 15: The Show, Until Dawn, Tearaway Unfolded, Disgaea 5
Xbox One exclusives in 2015:
Screamride, Halo 5, Forza 6, Rise of the Tomb Raider (timed exclusive)
That's 6 exclusives to 4 exclusives, and again, I'm being generous by counting a timed exclusive for Xbox. Xbox fans are either extremely delusional or extremely stupid that they can't even count.

RosweeSon2367d ago (Edited 2367d ago )

Bingo, funny he says loads up coming then says cuphead just came out Forza just game out.... no mention of upcoming games... here you go crackdown 3, yeah that’s it and you’ve not even mentioned it, propbably because it’s looking like dribble. Add to that a list of 360 and original Xbox games and what more of a waste of all the power do you want... it also plays spectrum games 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️ 🤷🏻‍♂️✌🏻 🤓🕹

DJStotty2367d ago

Cuphead is more than 2 years old?

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 2367d ago
Cyborgg2368d ago (Edited 2368d ago )

I can play most of these games on my PC🙌🏻 Thanks Microsoft

Neonridr2368d ago

you think Microsoft cares? They still make money off of you. It was a smart decision to grab in the PC crowd too.

Cyborgg2368d ago

"you think Microsoft cares?"

Umm I was actually thanking Microsoft for putting their games on PC 🤔🤔

TacoTaru2368d ago

That's the beauty of it. If you have a PS4, Switch and gaming PC you have everything covered. I like checking Game Informer every month to see that there are almost no games that aren't covered by my hardware. It's amusing to hear 'better graphics' and 'more power' as arguments when PC can beat anything the consoles have and has backwards compatibility that can't be touched. You can still play Zork on PC.

trooper_2368d ago

Yeah, Neo? There's something called Steam. Microsoft doesn't own PC!

S2Killinit2368d ago (Edited 2368d ago )

That’s the sad part. MS will destroy the gaming console. They cant compete in the console gaming scene so they are going to merge it with PC. That way they can continue to not make games and instead use their windows leverage to dominate gaming. Not by adding anything to gaming, but by way of the “parity clause” and bully tactics.

Me? I like consoles. I enjoy them. So im going to support the two consoles that are adding to the console habitat.

2368d ago
yeahright22368d ago

@ cyborg, you say that like it's a bad thing. Xbox putting all their games on PC is the only reason I own a Pro. Thanks to a gamestop trade in promo, I got $150 for my xbox one and $200 for my PS4, meaning I only spent $50 for a PS4 Pro. And since I have a gaming PC, I'm not missing out on anything MS comes out with. If I had to spend anymore than $100, I wasn't going to upgrade. so Thanks MS! You making xbox redundant helped me to get a pro.

Why o why2367d ago

Shout out to taco taru for mentioning zork. . . Not too many of these youngens know about that madness. , *tips hat*

nitus102367d ago


If the game has not been partnered or distributed by Microsoft then Microsoft does not make any money from the sales of PC games.

Sure Microsoft could push for a royalty for any application that runs on their operating system however that would be risky since they would need worldwide legislation to do that and it is pretty easy for games developers to start making games that run on alternative free of royalty operating systems.

glenn19792367d ago

Same her same here buddy

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2367d ago
2368d ago
XStation4pio_Pro2368d ago (Edited 2368d ago )

Agreed. I own both the One X and PS4 Pro. Both are lovely but it’s immediately clear the One X is the superior hardware. The graphics are better, it’s smaller, looks badass and is much quieter than the Pro (by a lot).

Pretty much all of my multiplatform games going forward will definitely be on X but I have the Pro to handle any potential PS4 exclusives I am interested in.

VINNIEPAZ2368d ago

Careful, that kinda talk on N4G will get you down voted into the ground.

Cyborgg2368d ago (Edited 2368d ago )

Just curious what system does most of your friends play on?? Looking forward to your answer

S2Killinit2368d ago

Pretty sure you dont own pro from your comments

Aceman182368d ago

I only need one Forbes, and that's exclusive games that give the system an identity. Until then I'll save my 500 for something else.

TyrellCorp2368d ago (Edited 2368d ago )

Agreed I wanted to want the 1X but MS just dropped the ball on content. An annual release is the showpiece and abunch of up-resed 360 games? Pass

2367d ago
Edito2367d ago

It's a nice upgrade but i like to play games and i don't see anything on the Xbox that picks my interest at the moment so i don't see any reason to buy one.

RosweeSon2367d ago

Nah I bought an S played it for 4 months then sold it nothing due that’s not available elsewhere

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2367d ago
PhoenixUp2368d ago

None of those reasons would be more quality games

Neonridr2368d ago

that list is pretty weak, I mean console design, controller feel, XBL vs PSN.. those are all subjective and could change with each person's tastes. The main factor is going to be 3rd party games. They will simply look and run the best on the One X. That isn't to say the Pro versions won't look amazing, because they still will. But the One X will be the place to play 3rd party games. However, that alone won't sell a system. Exclusives do matter, and this is where MS needs to do some catching up.

Death2368d ago

Taking North America as an example, both consoles have approx the same sales. Why don’t exclusives matter in that region?

I think it’s interesting to see people claim exclusives are most important when they get the least sales.

Neonridr2368d ago (Edited 2368d ago )

@Death - actually the PS4 is a few million ahead. Exclusives matter, but look at the top selling games on either console. What are they? 3rd party games. The Call of Duty's, the GTA's, etc.

So while exclusives apparently matter, not as many people buy those games as you think. Hell how many PS4 exclusives have a 10% attach rate (6.5 million + in sales)? 1 game. Uncharted 4.

In fact if you look at the top 25 selling PS4 games, only 3 are exclusives.

So while people like to believe that exclusives are important. Not many people are buying those exclusives.

3rd party games rule these consoles, and people will flock to the system that will offer them the best experience for those games.

2368d ago
BlackTar1872368d ago

So only top 10 sellers matter in your arguments? K just checking

OB1Biker2367d ago (Edited 2367d ago )

'So while exclusives apparently matter..'
'So while people like to believe (sic) that exclusives are important..'
Hey man. Nobody owns the truth. The point is exclusives are important to you or not. Its not about statistics.
Its like ' 9 reasons blah blah, 1. Exclusives a game, b game, c game etc are important to you.'
Playing the many multi plat games like everyone doesn't change that you want to play a certain game too

Neonridr2367d ago (Edited 2367d ago )

@OB1Biker - don't get me wrong, I think exclusives are important. They set themselves apart from the other console. But for all the griping people do about how important exclusives are, sales data proves that not a ton of people are actually buying them. It will always be Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty that sell the best on each system. So playing the best version of those games could very well be important to many people more so than their console having Uncharted or Forza.

BlackTar1872367d ago (Edited 2367d ago )

Only takes one exclusive to get people to buy a system.

2367d ago
Why o why2367d ago (Edited 2367d ago )

Balance to the what?

all of that angry madness and for what.

Let me help you out. One side may overstate the importance of exclusives but the other understates them. . Don't you think it's clear that both Nintendo and the ps are doing better because they have more usp's that ultimately casts wider nets. Maybe you didn't see the presser ms done recently but they sure shoehorned in the term 'exclusive' as much as they could. I mean even the other day Phil was commenting on improving their 1st party pasty efforts. . . Why.? Has the thought ever crossed your mind that Phil/ms are trying to snag new punters, grab back the defectors whilst retaining those who are growing more disgruntled. . They know they have their hard-core fans who will never look elsewhere but they lost a load of gamers this gen. No head start rely on.

Why is it that when a quality exclusive like Forza, ori or cup head come about Xbox fans laud them yet refuse to acknowledge openly that the other players provide more of those or that having more is better than having little to none.

Just look at this year. . We're 4 to 5 years in and ms and their fans are making excuses for its weakness like this is year 1 or something. If you can't manage or be in your stride by now then it's not fanboyish to consider that a failing.

Now, ms have came through on their hardware promise but have faulted with their software promises that stemmed back from 2014 and even last gen. Games sell consoles. More games isn't some kind of negative if the quality is sound to system seller levels. Power alone won't turn tides. Compelling diverse software and consistency aren't the be all and end all either but they sure helped and matter more than what ms and many of their fans think. Just look at the disparity of sales. . Some still think it's the reveal and mixed messaging why it's how it is now. Trust me. . Ms's fall off in regards to exclusive content in the final third of last gen was a factor to many coming into this one. Ms ignored the signs and it was at their peril.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2367d ago
sammarshall1022368d ago (Edited 2368d ago )

Xbox has some quality games too especially Ryse, Sunset Overdrive, Ori, Quantum Break, Killer Instinct, Cuphead, Forza Horizon 3

I'm personally beyond excited for Ori and The Blind Forest 2 and Halo 6

2368d ago
sammarshall1022368d ago

Ryse and Quantum Break are great very underrated games

Cuphead, Sunset Overdrive and Ori together is enough to warrant a Xbox console purchase

Gears 4 is good but I thought it could've been a lot better I was actually disappointed in it but I think Gears 5 will bring some new welcome changes going off of what The Coalition said

S2Killinit2368d ago

Im glad you are excited for Ori but honestly i hope you have a PS4/Pro because that list doesnt justify another xbox at more than $550. It really doesnt.

sammarshall1022368d ago (Edited 2368d ago )

@S2Killinit I have a Xbox One and a PS4 I spent $600 for my day one Xbox One with Ryse and Dead Rising 3 and I have 0 regrets

$500 for Ryse, Dead Rising 3, Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, Forza Horizon 3, Ori and the Blind Forest, Cuphead, Killer Instinct, Halo 5 and Gears 4 that's well worth a console purchase then you have backwards compatibility and 4K bluray

I'll be getting my X soon

chiefJohn1172367d ago (Edited 2367d ago )

Same, I'm hyped for Ori 2, state of decay 2 and Halo 6(best exclusive franchise imo) I'll take these 3 games over PS4 entire 2018 lineup

@ geeee disagree I'm not a Zelda fan so I'd take Ori over Zelda any day and I don't even consider Ori a console but in all fairness the only games I've ever considered a console seller was Halo games and super smash bros

2367d ago
SegaGamer2367d ago

"Xbox has some quality games too especially Ryse, Sunset Overdrive, Ori, Quantum Break, Killer Instinct, Cuphead, Forza Horizon 3"

Yep, they do, but it doesn't matter because i can play them all on the PC ( it's not something i'm against by the way, the more games on the pc the better it is for me ). Anyone that has a decent PC or PS4 isn't going to feel any need to pick up an Xbox One X. I'm not sure what gamer the Xbox One X is even made for. PC gamers won't want one, they would rather have a stronger PC, and console gamers will always go with price and exclusives. Console gamers won't care if the Xbox One X has slightly better resolution than the PS4, they will still buy a PS4 because that is where the games and price is at it's best. If console gamers cared so much about better graphics and resolution, then the PS2 would have been destroyed by the original Xbox.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2367d ago
AspiringProGenji2368d ago

Games are not a reason to own an xbox anymore it seems.

alb18992368d ago

Can help that the X play much better the 90% of the games made for consoles

S2Killinit2368d ago

Slightly better is more like it. And lets all buy the newest console then I mean whatever is newer is going to be more powerful and that is enough right?

2367d ago
Kribwalker2367d ago


slightly better is a lie. even when the resolution is way better (I’m looking at you 1260p battlefront) the extra ram allows for more effects and better textures. Saying it’s a slight upgrade is an insult to everyone’s intelligence

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2367d ago
DeadSilence2368d ago

The most important reason to get a Switch or a Ps4 model :


TacoTaru2368d ago

The most important reason to get an Xbox : friends. If all of your friends have them that is the best reason to get one.

trooper_2368d ago

If all my friends jumped off a bridge, I'm not following them.

Microsoft needs heavy hitting exclusives.

Denial changes nothing.

S2Killinit2368d ago (Edited 2368d ago )

Most of mine play on PS4. But yeah where your friends are can be a big deal as well for some

2367d ago
zuul90182367d ago (Edited 2367d ago )

"I was like i could care less about where you all are going, i play for me, not for other people."

Sounds like something out of an anime.

Wow.... thats a statement there. Just some advice from a stranger who youre gonna probably hate in a second.

1. Honestly if you said that to your "friends" they probably were hoping you wouldnt be on the same console either

2. Im not sure if youre the guy who should be excommunicating his "friends" for console wars, it seems like you may struggle replacing them.

While i might follow them off the bridge i guess i get that point. Though in that example xbox is dying and ps4 is not jumping? Lets make them similar to see if it helps any, if all my friends play basketball im not gonna go play football with 10 random guys i dont know. Seems more fair this way ps4 and xbox are both options where you dont die.
However im sure you meant that more as a "think for yourself" thing. Anyways I typically prefer to enjoy things with my friends, just me though idk. I can also think for myself WHILST i play with my friends its pretty gnar.

Im just saying at 28 I purchase whatever console my friends want to. (The few that still game i mean). If i want other games that arent on that fine, ill buy the extra no worries (i have a job). But for me the primary goal of gaming is playing with my friends, split screen/lan/online IDC. I cant even honestly say when the last time ive played a multiplayer game online alone(without a IRL friend) is.

Kinda sad this TacoTaru guy got so many dislikes..... people are seriously saying you should abandon your friends?
When you realize that the people on these forms are gonna be the ones that replace your abandonded friends you may reconsider.

TacoTaru2367d ago

@zuul9018 I'm an old guy ( wondering if I'll live long enough to see the next Elder Scrolls get released ^^well, almost) but I didn't think I was so out of touch with the culture that I was unaware people would value hardware over being able to play with their friends. Thanks for your support. I was surprised at all the down votes over what I thought was a reasonable human response.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2367d ago
2367d ago
Hardiman2368d ago

I'm fine and third party titles look amazing on the Pro. I have a very capiable 4K HDR tv and I'm just blown away! Also I have a great Samsung 4K Blu Ray player. Instead I'm getting the PSVR Skyrim bundle, 3DS XL for one of the kids as well as the new Metroid along with Mario Odyssey and any other game deals we find Friday.

2368d ago
ClanPsi12367d ago

That excerpt reads like a no-talent high school student wrote it. Awful.

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The nightmarish action-adventure "Morbid: The Lords of Ire" is now available for PC and consoles

"The Manchester-based (the UK) indie games publisher Merge Games and Finland-based indie games developer Still Running, are today very happy and excited to announce that their nightmarish action-adventure /slash-em-up "Morbid: The Lords of Ire", is now available for PC (via Steam) and consoles (PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and the Nintendo Switch) via digital stores." - Jonas Ek, TGG.


"Universal Pinball: TV Classics Pack" for "Pinball FX" Review \\ paulsemel

Like the shows that inspired it, the virtual pinball tables in "Universal Pinball: TV Classics Pack" for "Pinball FX" — "Xena: Warrior Princess," "Knight Rider," and "Battlestar Galactica" — are a lot of fun.

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rpad1d 1h ago

hopefully the Xena board has lots of yodeling sounds


New PlayStation Handheld Reported Again, Supposedly Runs PS4 Games

Another leaker has claimed that a PSP/PS Vita style PlayStation handheld is in the works, and it'll supposedly support PS4 games.

Read Full Story >>
anast18h ago

If this is true, it will crush everything for the price.

VenomUK5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Needs to be a PS5 portable.

Cacabunga4h ago

PS4 native with PS5 remote play capabilities. Would be sweet.

And let PS Portal support cloud streaming for all PS+ games.

anast4h ago

Going off all the pricing behavior of Sony to this point. I'm willing to bet it will be cheaper than the Steam Deck. And when the price is revealed and I am right, send me a message.

Cacabunga3h ago

Could be an attempt to counter switch 2 which will have PS4 power.
Imagine all the PS4 third party re releases switch 2 is going to get.. “PS4 portable” could get the exact same games once again and publishers can resell software ..

If this portable has provides PS5 remote play on top then it will have a nice argument and exclusive feature.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3h ago
crazyCoconuts5h ago

It would be a niche product like Portal. Not bad, but not mainstream. It's legacy PS4 right?

Kneetos4h ago

The switch 2 and next steam deck will be out by then and will likely be way more popular

anast4h ago

The switch 2 will be a handheld Series S for kids and the next steam deck will be ridiculously over priced for a bunch of aging CRPGS and F2P mobile style games.

Vits3h ago

They literally charged people $199 for a bottom-of-the-barrel tablet with a DualSense controller bolted on. So I really can't see them releasing a powerful yet affordable native handheld.

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-Foxtrot17h ago

If you had every PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and PSV game then sure but I mean if it's just the PS4 why not just get a Steam Deck?

anast6h ago

You might be correct, but it depends on the price point. Also, most PC gamers wait years for Sony releases, so it might be better just to get the PS4 handheld.

crazyCoconuts5h ago

I'd be surprised if Sony reversed course and continued to put new releases on PS4. It would cannibalize their PS5 sales

MrBaskerville5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

If it supports your library, some people own more ps4 games than steam games. I know I do.

crazyCoconuts5h ago

I might buy something like this to play my old library but man those old games are cheap on steam. This console would have to be cheap to make sense. I don't see it happening

MrBaskerville3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

I also think it sounds a little off. I would probably buy if it could run Ps5 games, but that sounds expensive. Being ps4 only is a little limiting I think.

But if it ran all ps4 titles and new stuff created for the handheld. then it could be interesting. Basically a Vita that just happened to come with a huge ass backlog of existing games.

SegaSaturn6694h ago

Deck is very viable option given how good PS3 and switch emulation have become. Even new releases are chugging along at 30fps.

Lexreborn23h ago

To be fair, I have a lot of ps4 games I don’t have on steam that is can play on my ps5 but I choose to play ps5 games on my ps5.

I also haven’t rebought any of my PlayStation exclusives on PC because I own them on my ps4/5 and even the upgraded ways that rival the pc version. So, if I wanted to play them on my steam deck I would still have to buy them again which if I bought the 6 top games Spider-Man 1,2, mm, horizon, fw , GoW and ragnarok and GoT with LoU1,2. It would more then. Likely be the cost of this device.

So, instead of double dipping I would buy the handheld and if it has a playable sf6 that actually works online (steam deck is not functional) I think I would want it for myself

Vits3h ago

If you have them in digital form, for sure. Because I don't see Sony giving you a digital copy of your old physical PS4 games. That doesn't sound like them at all.

And also, Steam doesn't depend on PS4 games. PC got more games that generation than all the consoles combined. The ports of PlayStation games are just one of the cherries on top of the cake.

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MeteorPanda6h ago

I still play my vita. The oled screen was too good for it's time. I obviously had to home brew it but playing my old snes/ps1 games on it is so good.

Skuletor6h ago

How many people will buy this at launch? As a Vita owner, I'd definitely hold back after how Sony's support for that turned out.
Also, PSP played near PS2 quality games, PS Vita played near PS3 quality games, shouldn't the next Playstation handheld be aiming for near PS5 quality?

MeteorPanda5h ago

the sadest thing on vita support for me was the removal of Close? The app that let you see local players and what they were playing. i made friends back in the day for co op that way lol.

I think it was privacy breaching? such a shame.

Skuletor5h ago

Vita had so much promise, I wonder what it would have taken for Sony to have been more supportive. GTA: San Andreas Stories would have probably brought more sales alone, if they could have gotten that. I was disappointed we never really got anything on the same level as Killzone: Mercenary after that game, which looked amazing running on the Killzone 3 engine. Would have loved to see new entries of PS IP like Infamous, God of War etc, Sony really dropped the ball and using proprietary memory cards that were ridiculously priced didn't help, if they were smart, they'd have sold them cheaper since they were mainly being used to store stuff people were paying for in their store anyway, lol.

anast3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

The people that remember the vita are in the minority.

Einhander19722h ago(Edited 2h ago)

The point would be that it plays PS4 games, PS4 is still getting games constantly.

Everyone here including yourself presumably already has a library of games to play on this.

The success of the Portal shows the value of not needing to have a separate game library.

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