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I dream of a world where a chicken can cross the road and not have his motives questioned!
CRank: 5Score: 44980

Lol that was pretty cool!

3577d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Will those two have weird names too?

3578d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I wasn't :b just brought up that it took Superman in a fresh direction. It didn't rely on ballsy the way SR relied on Nostalgia.

3579d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nostalgia factor is a bad way to judge a movie's quality, no offense lol. I feel like SR failed on every level. From Superman bailing on his son, to Lois being extremely dimwitted (EXTREMELY), to Superman creepily watching Lois from the bushes to Lex practically prostituting himself to an old lady for money. :l Plus it was a sequel to Superman 2 and erasing S3, but it wasn't exactly a direct sequel according to Singer and served as a sorta reboot. <_> It had charm, and that nost...

3580d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know right? xD It's weird when they announce a lead with no director attached. Must be the perks of being The Rock. Pretty good casting imo. I was afraid he'd be cast as Shazam.

3581d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Because the Nolan movies bombed, were panned by critics everywhere and earned the first Oscar for a comic book movie!!! DUH!!! Would have thought that was pretty obvious.

3583d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I thought the idea of The Expendables movies in general was a joke. Lawlz.

3583d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think it was mostly number 2. It's been nine years since the first Sin City. Any fans of the original, have since lost interest in the sequel. As a huge fan of the original I know my hype for a sequel diminished long ago. Robert Rodriguez spent way too much time waiting for Angelina Jolie to clear up her schedule. He should have recast and moved on much sooner.

3583d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I once said to a friend of mine back when MySpace was on it's way out and Facebook was on it's way in, "This thing is gonna control our very lives, then it'll be the death of us". I guess i hit the nail on the head. :l

3583d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I caught that. I just personally felt the chosen directors didn't fit the bill. As you said Bigelow isn't very close to WB so i didn't think a personal list with directors in the same predicament would matter.

After Watchmen and 300 Snyder was obvious to direct something. He was even offered Green Lantern at one point. As for your statement on Affleck, it is unfounded and untrue. Affleck signed on to 'Runner Runner' and 'Gone Girl' recently withou...

3584d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Really? I feel as though he's aged very well since Blade 3. Huge props to Marvel for going with Snipes!

My only concern is that Blade: Trinity will be part of the MCU. I personally didn't like Thor1, Cap1, or IM2/3 but Blade: Trinity was alot worse than any of Marvel's weakest flicks. Bring back Kris Kristofferson and continue from Blade 2 and i'll be so happy! :D

And yeah Dracula & Blackheart deserve a decent flick. They were completely s...

3585d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmm, on the part of the interview that says "Oh, that's interesting. Really interesting." when he replied to the interviewer talking about how Heath Ledger reinvented the Joker into a terrifying character. Everyone on the planet (especially Hollywood) knows about this performance. His death was months before the release of the film and Hollywood was blown away with his role. Eisenberg is playing dumb and I like it lol. It almost comes off as condescending and as if he is intelle...

3585d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

So Marvel is continuing where WB left off? Interesting. Blade will definitely be connected to the MCU but will the original films be connected?

Make a Ghostrider/Blade crossover and my money is yours!!!!! A rebooted Ghostrider of course.

3585d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha badass! Hans Zimmer FTW!

Speaking of which why didn't The Incredibles ever get a sequel? :l Cars certainly didn't warrant one and while Monster's University was amusing, a prequel wasn't necessary. But The Incredibles surely deserved a sequel. I mean c'mon it had a FRIGGIN cliffhanger!

3585d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Besides Alfonso Cuaron which would be badass for the space aspects and pacing of the film. And maybe Phil Lord & Christopher Miller i don't really like the list.

Affleck might not be able to direct well under the batsuit. And Kathryn Bigelow just seems outta place to me. Although she can direct action well and could provide a consistent tone, as well as properly develop the characters. Plus, she's an Oscar-winning director so i could be wrong there lol. Off the to...

3585d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

These guys seem smart, humble and very down to Earth. Quite the refreshing sight! Also cool to see how they understand and love the Cap universe very much, and seem to be very passionate about their role in the MCU. Glad they get to stay for Cap3 and i hope they blow us away!

Also awesome to see them praise WB's decision of moving BvS as "smart". Hope that shows the trolls (on both sides) that this isn't a war, and you can love both.

3585d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed! Also glad the wake of the Kryptonian attack will leave a lasting effect on the city/world. And now even some main characters like Jimmy here. I can only imagine how the other superheroes' lives or even habitats were affected and how they'll react!

Don't let us down Snyder.... Oh man, the wait is gonna kill me. :l

3587d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Ha he'd never outright come out and say "Hey guys my character dies in the TA2" lol. Even if he really did (or didn't). Although if he really did die let's be honest, it wouldn't be a permanent death.

Thor, Thor's mom, Loki, Bucky, Agent Coulson, Pepper, Iron man, and Nick Fury, i'm looking at all of you. :b

3587d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Nolan movies did humor right!!! It came in short quantities, but not interrupting big events or ruining immersion. WB need to do that for future DC movies, in small doses but hopefully they don't overuse it and don't let it become a crutch to hide bad writing or a boring character.

I didn't mind Man of Steel's seriousness, in fact i can't imagine how they'd merge Clark's sh*tty depressing upbringing and losing 2 dads with comedy (TASM2 and IM3...

3587d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is weird. With The Hunger games, Divergent, and even Lucy finding success you'd think DC or Marvel would fast track a flick. Kinda hoping it isn't Black Widow though. Use an actual superheroine, no spies! Ms. Marvel or Spider-Woman are perfect! Gal's already signed on for a solo WW movie, but i doubt we'll get that soon either.

3588d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment