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'Red Dawn' Remake to Come Out Next Year From FilmDistrict

LA Times says:

A remake of the invasion movie "Red Dawn" — with its villains now digitally modified from Chinese to North Korean — will finally hit American shores next year.

The new version of the Reagan-era classic will be released in the U.S. by independent studio FilmDistrict, according to people familiar with the matter but not authorized to discuss it publicly. FilmDistrict is finalizing a deal with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, the studio that produced the movie in 2009.

In the original "Red Dawn," a group of teenagers in a Washington town battle invading Soviet forces; in the remake, the invaders were changed to Chinese. But that decision turned the film into a hot potato.

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Crazay4686d ago

I actually kinda forgot about this movie. The original was amazing. I'm very much looking forward to see this modernized revamp of the title.

alycakes4685d ago

The first one was awesome. I'll never forget that movie. I hope they do it justice when they remake it. Can you believe all the actors that were in it....and look were they are now...most of them went on and had great career and still are.

Crazay4685d ago

Ya the original was incredible. The original was a great film partly because of the cast.

I can only think of a few people from that movie who went on to have lucrative careers but a few of them have been immortalized as POP icons of their time.

Patrick Swayze, C.Thomas Howel, Charlie Sheen, Lea Thompson and Jennifer Grey.

StarWarsFan4686d ago

Invading Chinese would have made more sense and added more jeopardy to the movie.

Crazay4685d ago (Edited 4685d ago )

I don't really agree with you on this. US/Chinese relations are very good and very important at this time. As the saying goes, don't bite the hand that feeds you.

It was easy to use the USSR as the enemy in the original as the Cold War was still in full effect but there are no real issues with Russia now and I'm sure they'd much prefer to not be the enemies.

The Next logical option would the obvious enemy, Al Queda or radical Islam. But that wouldn't make sense becuase their numbers are so small in comparison to a full out country, it's just not going to happen. Also to drive the point home, it's just not worth poking that hornets nest.

That leaves us with North Korea. In my opinion it's the best option. North Korea is such a wildcard and their leader Kim il Jong and they're still a "Red" Communist state bent on erradicating their neighbors to the South.


FilmDistrict Gets The Last Word

Coming Soon:
FilmDistrict announced today that it will co-finance the supernatural horror tale The Last Word, from screenwriter Ben Ketai.

Based on actual events, the horror film will focus on the strange and tragic aftermath endured by the participants in the trial of a young man in Texas who was wrongly convicted and executed for the rape and murder of a nun.

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FilmDistrict Takes Paul W.S. Anderson's Pompeii

Coming Soon:
FilmDistrict announced today that it has acquired U.S. distribution rights to Constantin Film and Impact Pictures’ Pompeii, the period-based action film from acclaimed director Paul W.S. Anderson.

FilmDistrict will distribute Pompeii through Sony’s TriStar Pictures on February 28, 2014.

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Crazay4124d ago

I find this movie to be extremely interesting. The end of Pompeii will translate very nicely to the big screen as long as they don't try to get too flashy with the SFX. My big fear is that they'll shoe horn some sort of schmoopy love story into it.


FilmDistrict To Distribute Spike Lee's 'Oldboy' With Josh Brolin & Elizabeth Olsen

The Playlist:
Spike Lee's on the comeback trail these days -- the ever-controversial auteur roared back with his intimate, personal "Red Hook Summer" at Sundance this year, with the film hitting theaters last month, and followed it up swiftly with his affectionate, fascinating Michael Jackson documentary "Bad 25," which premiered at Venice a week ago, and will air (in slightly edited form) on ABC on Thanksgiving weekend.

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