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Movie Studios Reassess Comic-Con

One of the major reasons that the San Diego Comic-Con has become a madhouse is that the studios have made it their own. People camp out in Hall H just to see a little bit of footage from an upcoming film and to see their favorite stars quasi-up-close-and-personal. But while studios try to use the potential buzz from the Con as a spring-board, that doesn’t necessarily carry to the box office. Universal couldn’t have done a better job promoting Scott Pilgrim vs. The World at Comic-Con but it was considered a box office flop. Kick-Ass flew on to people’s radar at Comic-Con with a killer presentation, but again: lackluster box office. TRON: Legacy went to Comic-Con three times and it didn’t cross the $200 million mark domestically (and anyone who tells you that wasn’t a serious goal for Disney is lying). And while box office doesn’t matter to me personally, it matters a lot to studio shareholders and executives. But the studios are starting to get wise to the cost of running a se...

Garethvk4838d ago

I think at this point peer pressure is the big factor. Simply put if the other studios are there and you are not, then people will start to wonder about your film or show.

Plus it costs more to develop other marketing campaigns and Comicon often gives a studio an idea about how much buzz or interest there really is.

darklordzor4838d ago

Interesting. I've wondered for some time at the big media event that Comic-Con has become. It hasn't always been this way, and it's interesting that they'd be backing off now.

I understand the idea though. Since unless you're looking for comic-con stuff, more than likely people aren't going to be paying attention. So it's spending a lot of money for not as much coverage. On the other hand, look at how successful the Green Lantern footage from WonderCon was.

It was huge and plastered all over the internet. On top of that it finally started turning around people's opinion. I think Comic-Con can still be a good venue and hope they don't give up on it altogether. Especially Marvel.

alycakes4837d ago

I think they will all be there. This is just speculation on their part. I know Warner Bros. will be there no matter what anyone says and Marvel......Marvel would never miss Comic Con. I don't know what they are talking about. Yes, Marvel brought Avengers last year but they still have a lot out there coming in 2012 and 2013 to promote. I'm telling you that people are just not getting it.

All the usuals will be there...just wait and see.

darklordzor4837d ago

Yeah I couldn't see Marvel missing it. I mean, it's Comic Con...and Marvel has always been a big part of that. I mean, Spider-Man is going to be there, so there's no way they're going to let Sony one-up them with their own title.

I could see Warner Bros skipping out though. There isn't much to show from Batman or Superman, and Green Lantern will already be out.

I'm sure you're right though and they'll be there, but it's interesting to see how they're considering it.

Soldierone4837d ago

WB is always a massive part of Comic Con. Every time I went things were circling around them. Remember that WB is also DC Comics, and thats usually why WB is a big heart of Comic Con.

I don't see them suddenly missing out on it. If they do then Comic con will start to crumble, and Id hate to see that.

Soldierone4837d ago

Honestly if all these places don't show up then Comic Con might be lackluster. Fans of SDCC don't know what a "real" comic con is and probably won't appreciate it as much. So the only reason I could see studios holding of would be to make crowds a bit smaller. The past few years they have had record breaking numbers and sell out tickets well in advance.

Honestly some of these noted are like saying Sony or Microsoft won't show up to E3. Yeah some major studios don't show up like Rockstar etc...but they honestly have nothing to show. WB, Disney, Especially Marvel, they all have something to show and will be there in some regards. There isn't a ton for them to show, beyond Avengers, so thats why talks of them not being there in full force are like this.

Also note that there are usually suprises, these studios could be hiding something.

darklordzor4837d ago

Agreed, many people don't understand a true comic con. I went to the Dallas one and that's really all there is to it: comics. If you take away all the media aspects of SDCC then people won't know what to do with themselves.

Even so, I like the show SDCC has turned into and would hate to see it go away.

Soldierone4837d ago

Yeah the years I have attended have been fantastic. Its an experience like no other. Even E3 is a bit meh compared to the things you see and do at Comic Con.

For anyone attending, they are not kidding about people camping in the halls to get into things. The very first time I went I thought "yeah Ill go check it out" only to find out its like Disneyland waiting in lines constantly to get into anything good.

I highly suggest checking out the smaller stuff too. Those are very informative and inspiring to me. Something you don't need major studios for. But having the major studios there you get tons of free swag, celebrities walking around, and a different audience of people. It just makes it fun. Let the smaller CC do their job at being for comics, SDCC is all about the experience and Im sure these studios will not let that go away.

alycakes4837d ago

You are so right Soldierone. That's why I said...there's no way they wouldn't show. I think it's all just hot air. They'll all be there with bells on. They can't afford not to be. They do a lot of PR and big business there.

JL4837d ago

Soldier. Nice to see you back around. Think you've been missing for a while. Began to wonder if it had anything to do with the fires down there.

Now on topic, I definitely hope big studios don't back out this year and do end up showing up. I'd hate for it to turn into something lackluster, cause I've already got my press badge confirmed and waiting for me and really looking forward to going next month.

That being said, one thing this article mentions does raise a good point. That point being the time of Comic-Con. It definitely would be more beneficial if they had it even a month earlier (or two months maybe). That would be a great run-in for the summer blockbuster movies. Whereas now, several of the summer blockbusters can't really enjoy the full benefits that a conference like this could offer since it's towards the end of the summer.

Soldierone4837d ago

I was at E3, had to prepare for it for like a week two.Its only my second time and the first time I didn't handle it that well as its so overwealming.

Which brings me to my point. If they make it a month earlier, they are then going to compete with E3. E3 had almost 50k people this year. SDCC usually gets around 12k? Could the added competition add to more people interested, or would the two start hurting each other?

I for one would love it if they were near each other.I have to pick one or the other since I dont have the money to travel twice...A May date for SDCC could also be good, since gamers would see more interest as well and give it bigger notice.

However any earlier and you will have to move the date of NYCC.

darklordzor4837d ago

Yeah the lucky punk got to go to E3...I'm sad that I couldn't. It really sucks because I'd have a press pass available to me, but I just didn't have the means to or time to get there. Maybe next year!

alycakes4837d ago

We've gone the last couple of years and that has been on my mind as well. Why don't they hold in March or April? It would be better for the new spring and summer releases. I don't really know why but it seems that it's always been in July and it just works for them that way.....It would be nice.

We can't make it this year but we're already talking about going next year...I'm really gonna miss it too. This is the one thing that I really get a lot of enjoyment out of.

JL4837d ago

Yea, it would definitely make much more sense to have it a little earlier if they really do want to draw movie studios in.

Of course, I also understand that Comic-Con wasn't originally set up with movies in mind, so that's why it's been that way. But if they do find big studios stepping away, maybe that would be a good strategy to lure them back in: move it up earlier in the year a couple months so that it serves as a good (better) marketing platform for bigger studios and their summer blockbusters.

Shame you're not going this year. You could have got the pleasure of meeting me as well :D lol

alycakes4837d ago

That would have been nice although you would be one in would I ever find you. All the people that actually show up for Comic Con just overwhelm me. I can't believe the crowds. We get there for preview night on Wednesday around 3pm and it's non stop until Sunday afternoon.


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