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SPL!NG: The Lincoln Lawyer (2011)

People took Matthew McConaughey seriously when he played Jake Tyler Brigance in 'A Time to Kill', so it seemed only natural that he should shake off the dusty briefcase and give the court room thriller a bit of spit and polish.

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Top 5 Most Thrilling Movies About Lawyers

Chillopedia | Lawyers often get the short end of the stick in film, television and books. Attorneys are basically seen as little more than walking punchlines by most filmmakers, even though the expertise of these individuals is the only thing that allows Hollywood to stay afloat in the stormy waters of intellectual property.

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Entertainment Focus - Review: The Lincoln Lawyer

Mickey Haller (Matthew McConaughey – How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days) is a defence attorney that works out of the back of his Lincoln car. Mainly representing low-life clients and dead-beats, Mickey just about breaks even. Then one day he thinks he has caught the career-break of a lifetime. He's hired to defend a rich playboy named Louis Roulet (Ryan Phillippe – Cruel Intentions) who is accused of attempting to murder a young woman. But as Mickey investigates his client further, he soon discovers that all is not what it seems.

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alycakes4748d ago

You know I got this movie when it came out but what I usually do when I buy a movie I haven't seen is loan it to a friend of mine first. They are both retired and she's not able to get out much so they borrow all my movies. They get to see them before I do but I know I have all the time I need once I get them back. I see this one as soon as I get it which should be anytime now.


Project-Blu Blu-Ray Review For 'The Lincoln Lawyer'

“The Lincoln Lawyer” is the first film, as well as the first novel of the “Mickey Haller” sagas from Michael Connelley. I do hope that Lionsgate and all of those involved (McConaughey I am looking at you) return to the big screen. There are currently four Mickey Haller books that have been published with a fifth book due out in late November of 2011. There you go. It’s got potential to be a great franchise, and with the first film being pretty good, the sky is the limit.

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