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The Media Stomp - The Tree of Life Review

Jeremy of The Media Stomp wrote, "The Tree of Life is director Terrence Malick's 5th film in a career spanning over 30 years. Malick is a true visionary and it shows in each and every one of his films. His eye for detail and the way he displays moving images is breath taking and unlike any other person working in Hollywood alive or dead. The Tree of Life is a very big movie with a wide scope and I can see where it will automatically receive hate from its viewers due to its experimental filmmaking, but for those willing to go beyond the normal world of films, those who are looking to peel back multiple layers of a film and discover many meanings, The Tree of Life will indeed be a favorite of yours. It's unlike anything that has ever been released. The closest comparisons I could try and think of would be 2001: A Space Odyssey, Enter the Void and maybe even Anti-Christ. But even those movies are vastly different from The Tree of Life. They all consist of bold and innovative filmmaking by very passionate directors and the end result is quite spectacular."

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Nes_Daze4798d ago

This looks like the kind of film that makes you think a lot about life, great review and I hope I can get around to watching this soon.


'The Tree of Life' and How Malick Challenges the Medium

There is a fight at the heart of all of Malick’s films, a fight against the medium itself.

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Biggest Disappointment (Movie) of 2011

MediaStinger: "These movies didn’t necessarily have trailers that blew you away, but at the very least they all had potential to be much better than the actual final product."

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alycakes4575d ago

Cowboys and Aliens was not a big disappointment to me or anyone else that I know that saw it. We all loved it and for the same reasons. The characters, the actors that played them, the fresh storyline that's not been wasn't a reboot or sequel or prequel..just a new story and different.

I guess we have to agree to disagree on that one.


Five Great Movies: Brad Pitt

CO - Let’s be honest… it’s always a good time to be Brad Pitt. One of the sexiest men alive, rich and powerful, and an extremely underrated actor, he’s considered a shoe-in for a Best Actor nomination for Money Ball, out on DVD and Blu-Ray this week. He’s excellent in the film, which reminded us that beyond his good looks he’s appeared in a number of modern classics worthy of mention in our ongoing series Five Great Movies.

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Blink_444578d ago

Seven and twelve monkeys and two of my favorite movies

alycakes4577d ago

I think I found a new respect for his acting in Lengends of the Fall. That is when I started to like his acting a little. Seven was very good though.

Lord_Sloth4577d ago

Fight Club was awesome! Quite a twist at the end of the film too.

seanpitt234576d ago

Brad pitt is a legend a true remarkable human being.

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