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James Franco Does Porn....Sort Of

James Franco takes on a lot of eclectic roles on top of doing so many other things -- like earning advanced degrees from NYU. And now he's adding porn to that growing list.

Franco will star in the new indie drama Cherry, reports Variety. He will star as a cocaine-addicted lawyer who gets involved with an 18-year-old newcomer to San Francisco and the adult entertainment industry.

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Soldierone4814d ago

Perhaps he is doing it to gain attention? I don't know why he would do this otherwise. Unless of course nothing does happen in this film, or he has ideas on who the girl will be lmao.

Standard "OMG HE DID PORN...whos james franco, woh his other stuff is legit!" type of deal.

alycakes4811d ago

He really is a very smart man. He has several degree and is still going to college for another one for heaven knows what. He's a published author and an artist. Some of his art work is in art galleries so I don't think he needs or wants the attention. I think he's a workaholic. He'd probably go crazy if he didn't have his hands full of things to do all the time.


The Daily Rotation - Cherry Review

Jeremy of The Daily Rotation wrote, "Cherry is a story of PTSD and the effects of drugs and war on the young and misguided. The Russo Brothers waste their Avengers street cred on a messy depiction of the American dream blowing up in your face. Tom Holland attempts to reach for something that he doesn't have in a performance that's wildly not for him, while The Russos borrow style and plotting from far better filmmakers, leaving Cherry feeling like an over-stuffed slog."

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Cherry Is A Dark New Direction For Tom Holland And The Russo Brothers - Skewed 'n Reviewed

Tom Holland and Joe and Anthony Russo have teamed up again but this time on a project which is about as far away from the Marvel universe as possible. Based on the book Nico Walker; “Cherry” is a compelling tale told in segments that depict a different style and phase of the main character’s life.


Cherry Review | WGTC

Cherry melds arthouse invention with mainstream genre to give audiences something truly special and enjoyable.

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