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10 Possible Stars For The Expendables 2

DOG: The Expendables isn't out just yet as I write this, but I have no doubt that it's going to be a huge hit. Well, okay, maybe it won't be a huge hit, but like Sly Stallone's return to his Rambo roots, it's going to do really well.

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PS360WII5096d ago

Hmm looking at that list kind of makes me hope Expendables doesn't get a sequel ;)

Though there are many action stars out there!


CGM’s Top Ten Genre Movies Of 2012

So here we are again, another year has passed bringing with it a near endless array of movies that both pissed off and thrilled a wide variety of audiences. Looking back, it actually wasn’t all that bad. For the genre loving geek contingent that Hollywood craves to pry money from, there was actually a wide variety of releases worth wasting your time and money on.

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gaffyh4224d ago

Watched about half of those movies, and have to say2012sucked for good movies

KingPin4224d ago

aside from dark knight rises and life of pi, every other movie was just mediocre at best. some movies had the potential to be great but didnt live up to it.

for the movies of 2013 only one movie is on my radar and thats man of steel rumoured release in june. 6 months and nothing promising till then. yeah....movies arent what they used to be. either that or im getting old.

big_dom_returns4224d ago

TDKR could also be argued as mediocre, which it was.

big_dom_returns4224d ago

I can't understand why people who make these lists always place The Raid higher up than Dredd, when Dredd was written and made first, plus it's the better of the two by a fair bit. The Raid became monotonous after the first few fights. Good film, though.

OSIRUSSS4224d ago

This list doesn't jive. Mine would be

6)Project X
7)Dark Knight

I didn't catch Dredd, Looper,Hobbit,or Les Mis.

vanethe4224d ago

The Avengers is overrated , there i said it !

Rhythmattic4224d ago (Edited 4224d ago )

Dredd was one of the biggest surprises this year for me, maybe because I wasnt expecting to much , after that incredibly poor Stallone attempt.....

Wow was I wrong, I put it up there with the Punisher reboot. (the one with Thomas Jane)

However, there where alot of big budget films I felt just didnt do it for me, maybe because I had really high expectations....

Maybe on a few more viewings it'll change...

Dark Knight Rises

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The Worst Movies of 2012 with Jack and Daniel

Clickonline writes: "So we've dredged back through the worst of the year to bring you this video. Consider it a warning - whatever you do, don't watch these films over your holiday season. At least not if you actually want to be entertained..."

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The 5 Worst Action Movies of 2012

Clickonline writes "My heart (or what passes for it) may be closer to this issue than most but... I love quality action flicks. They’re like poetry in motion. Only they’re actually legs, fists and elbow strikes in motion. Which, I think we can all agree, is much better!"

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aDDicteD4254d ago

i dont agree with the top 5, i think some of them are a bit of a letdown because they are sequels but branding them as the worst for 2012 i think there are more action movies inferior.