Michael Jordan from Black Book Mag: Look, I like a goofy title as much as the next guy. Scre4m? Awesome! 2 Fast 2 Furious? Wow! Step Up 2 The Streets? Unbelievable! But, this: 5nal Destination? What is that, Fivenal Destination? Anal Destination? This is absurd. I mean, it's absurd that they're making a fifth one of these movies, but okay, apparently there are still people willing to pay to see this. After the break, several alternate titles I propose for 5nal Destination.
TNS: Uncharted suffers from a lot of common video game movie issues, but it's a fairly compelling action/adventure movie in its own right.
Lovers Anonymous Review: This series reminds us that every concept—even one as extraordinary as this—requires a great story to really connect.
TNS: "Peter Pan's Neverland Nightmare takes its Twisted Childhood concept extremely seriously, for better and for worse."