Take the Twilight Saga Eclipse and mix it with 8-bit gaming goodness and a retro soundtrack to boot and you have the following interactive YouTube video.
Hyper Focused Media's Triverse writes, "The Expendables series is what it is and nothing more. What you get with The Expendables series is unabashed 80′s and early 90′s action movie goodness. The star power in these movies can be debated, of course, but most viewers watching these movies has at least one star they are a fan of..."
i think the article is highly opinionated and does not really elaborate the pros and cons between twilight kind of movies and expendables kind of movies. while i dont prefer twilight more than expendables but movies should be represented in a "variety" kinds of way.
ChaosHour Writes: Ok, Twi-hards and Twi-haters, bear with me here please, and don’t all try and kill me at once. Twilight is potentially one of the most talked about, adored and loathed books that is available at the moment. Apart from possibly Fifty Shades of Grey, more on that later, seeing as it is inextricably linked to the twilight series, starting life as Twilight fan-fiction and all. And there is good reason for both views, the love and the hate, however a bit of digging into the soul of the book is required. Twilight is not a cut and dried “OMG FIRST LOVE, EDWARD IS AMAZING” book. Neither is it a pile of toilet paper. For one very important reason: the character of Bella. Edward is the one that people fall in love with, or hate because of his weird stalker tendencies. However it is the character of Bella that I think requires closer examination.
twilight and new moon were great but eclipse was a total letdown ..good for me i didnt watch it at the theater. breaking dawn could be improved with part 2 coming out but i dont know if it will be good coz part 1 was slow pace....what i love from twilight the most is that the romance was quite good in part 1 and 2 ..even the love triangle was ok..even if critics slam this movie and the acting of the characters, i think they did a remarkable job overall..hope they can close the final chapter in a good way. im curous also if the kirsten stewart scandal affair will affect the upcoming movie grossings overall.
I guess this should really come as no surprise considering the craze that is The Twilight Saga, but Breaking Dawn has gone on to, again, be the top-selling DVD for the week ending February 19th. This is the movie’s second week in the top spot, and its second week of release (well, one and a half weeks is more like it).