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Bates Motel "Unfaithful" Review - AVClub

AVClub: Life can change on a dime, but family rarely does. Think of all the times you’ve expressed frustration with a parent, or a sibling, or a loved one, only to have whoever you’re venting to ask (oh so reasonably), “Well, can’t you just explain it to them?” Think of your mindset at that moment. We all know our families: the ways they grow over time, but more importantly, they ways they don’t grow. When you’ve dealt with someone enough times, you know what to expect. Dylan, of all people, says it best this week, when he tells Emma that his family is just too toxic for him, and he doesn’t want to be part of it any more. People don’t change because we want them to. More often than not, they stay exactly the same, because that’s all they’ve ever known.


40 Years Later, Ghostbusters Proves To Be A Lightning-In-A-Bottle Original That Can’t Be Replicated

40 years after its release, we look back and everything that made Ghostbusters so amazing–and how it can never be replicated again.

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Perfect Match Season 2 Review: Known Faces and Rauncy Debauchery Offer Entertainment | Leisurebyte

Perfect Match Season 2 Review: Perfect Match is more of the same, with nothing worthwhile to remember.

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Hierarchy Review: Gripping Narrative with a Lot of Twists and Turns | Leisurebyte

Hierarchy Review: This kdrama shines and delivers a well-crafted romantic thriller mystery that is undeniably an interesting watch.

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