If you were to make a list of the essential ingredients of a Star Wars film, you would find almost all in J.J. Abrams’ wake-up call to this sleeping giant of a franchise. From the biggest — dark versus light side, dogfights, mystical powers — to the smallest — mouse robots, turbo lasers, absurd alien Cantina music — this glories in reminding us what we all loved about this universe. By the end, it’s given us a reason to be excited about Star Wars’ future as well.
Missing You Review: This series has all the dynamics required to make it a good mystery drama: good actors, good story content, and good referencing from a best-selling author. However, it fails to do so due to poor narrative direction, which relies on an absence of direction, underdeveloped characters, and a characteristically poor representation of warmth on the parts.
Looking back at the history and legacy of Street Fighter: The Movie, 30 years after it was released in theaters.
Don’t sit on a throne of lies for day 11 of Romancemas.