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How 'Fantastic Four's' Josh Trank Can Get Out of Directors Jail


Early this year, Tony Kaye — the director who had gone to war with Edward Norton and New Line Cinema on 1998's American History X — sent Daniel Day-Lewis a letter asking him to consider a screenplay he wanted to shoot. Kaye, 62, who hasn't made a studio movie since X, never heard back. "I am — excuse my French — f—ed," he tells THR. "I am in jail. I am totally in jail."

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WizzroSupreme3224d ago

Make a good movie with a studio that'll let him, for one.

-Foxtrot3224d ago

Don't just blame Fox, it was just as much him for messing up his film.

He got wasted on set, he didn't give a shit about the comics, it got sloppy and he went on about how he was basically making "Chronicle 2"

Hroach6163223d ago

He needs to convince the studio they have nothing to lose by letting him finish the movie the way he intended for a directors cut bluray release. The movies already a bomb. That's a BIG chance and what if, but if he could do it, and the movie turned out good, people would have more faith that he can handle the position of director on a big budget movie.

He's done a lot of damage. You NEVER bad mouth your own movie before it's been on home video for a while. Studios see that as hurting sales.

MasterD9193223d ago

This guy is beyond overrated and comes off as a bafoon. Sure, Fox has no idea how to make a comic book movie and has too much to say about it, but to diss your own movie right before opening proves how little he deserves as a director.

I really hope he doesn't get his hands on anything remotely close to Star Wars or another comic-book movie again. Chronicle wasn't even that good! Give me a break.

LightofDarkness3223d ago

It's entirely Fox's fault for hiring him as a director, knowing the product he was going to make and then acting surprised when the film's tone was a bit dark for their liking. I really wish Fox would just relinquish the rights to these films back to Marvel, maybe they'd know how to make FF4 the kind of fun sci-fi with a comically mismatched team of superheroes it's supposed to be. FF4's characters, Doom especially, are so central to Marvel lore that it would be the big deal it ought to be.

Kemicalbeliefs3223d ago

The movie sounded garbage the moment info leaked on it. We feared the worst and was right to do so.

These Directors or visionary people who take a formula, which is liked and add their own take, thus destroying the very essence of it.

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Star Wars Directors: What's Going on?

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Why Josh Trank Sank While Colin Trevorrow Soared

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Garethvk3234d ago

Trank trashing the film and studio is not going to help him at all. He basically made Disney and Fox not want to hire him again.