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20 Brilliantly Obscure DC Movie Easter Eggs You Didn't Notice


Following on from our comprehensive look at the 20 Most Obscure Marvel Movie Easter Eggs, attention must now turn to the other side of the divide.

Just as Marvel packed their films with a raft of Easter Eggs and comic book movie in-jokes, DC’s stable of movies includes self-referential nods and winks designed to delight the most ardent and observant of fans. Some are obvious – like the J Kerr hint at the end of Batman Begins – and some far less so, and it is the latter that will come into focus here.

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WizzroSupreme3483d ago

I'll have to hand it to Singer: Superman Returns gave us the best retro Superman film tribute you can give. Which was exactly its problem. It was just too little too late for 2006.


WB Will Establish Two DC Cinematic Universes Moving Forward

Warner Bros. will be establishing two separate DC cinematic universes for now on - the DCEU and the rebooted continuity featuring Robert Pattinson's Batman.

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spicelicka1680d ago

I hope they have one universe that is actually consistently dark and mature like the Joker, instead of PG-13 bullshit that is the current universe.


Has Joker Resurrected the DCEU?

Joker is not officially linked to the DCEU but to DC Black. Films in this category are not directly connected to the main DC cinematic universe but DCEU,

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v_eno_m1688d ago

no, far from it. in fact, the complete opposite for me. DCEU is a lost "cash grab" cause.

Averyashimself1684d ago (Edited 1684d ago )

I'd be totally fine with this being a prequel universe or something along those lines. You could easily involve Wonder Woman, considering she's getting a movie that takes place in 84', a young batman with robin before he died. You could always have a Flashpoint event that creates an alternate universe where the present Clark, Aquaman, and Cyborg go back in time for a Justice League in the 80's film. The possibilities are there, they just need to make the right cards fall in place and HAVE A PLAN.


Hollywood Matrimony: Warner Bros. Debuts All-New Trailer For Shazam!

Hollywood Matrimony provides you up to the moment movie reviews, TV reviews, and keeps you updated on upcoming Blu-Ray and DVD releases.

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