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Cinema Chords: Sherlock Review: The Empty Hearse

‘He’s baaaaaack!’ the immense Sherlock fandom screamed, as did more or less every character in the episode. Two years after Sherlock leapt from the roof of a hospital in the series 2 finale, keeping its huge viewing audience on tenterhooks for just how he did it, the consulting detective returned to a delighted fanbase and an utterly furious John Watson. And it was glorious.

The episode begins with a brief recapping of the fall. As Sherlock relays his infamous suicide speech down the phone to John, a figure moves the clearly dead Moriarty from the roof. They open a briefcase to find DUN DUN DUUUUN a Sherlock mask! Sherlock contact lenses! As Sherlock jumps from the roof he is tethered to a bungee rope, and instead of plummeting to the ground, he bounces back up, smashes through a window and kisses everyone’s favourite shy morgue worker Molly Hooper as Derren Brown hypnotises Watson asleep to give them more time to plant Moriarty’s body.

Now, if you were anything...

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40 Years Later, Ghostbusters Proves To Be A Lightning-In-A-Bottle Original That Can’t Be Replicated

40 years after its release, we look back and everything that made Ghostbusters so amazing–and how it can never be replicated again.

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Perfect Match Season 2 Review: Known Faces and Rauncy Debauchery Offer Entertainment | Leisurebyte

Perfect Match Season 2 Review: Perfect Match is more of the same, with nothing worthwhile to remember.

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Hierarchy Review: Gripping Narrative with a Lot of Twists and Turns | Leisurebyte

Hierarchy Review: This kdrama shines and delivers a well-crafted romantic thriller mystery that is undeniably an interesting watch.

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