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Top Ten Tony Scott Movies

Matt’s Movie Reviews pays tribute to the man in the pink hat with its Top Ten Tony Scott Movies.

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MinimeJer054338d ago

Man on Fire and True Romance for sure. Can't stand Unstoppable.


The Career of Tony Scott and His Influence on the Film Industry

Most directors and most films come and go, cinematic mayflies fluttering around the box office for a few weeks before disappearing. The same can’t be said of Tony Scott.

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Ranked: Ten Best Tony Scott Movies

From TMP:

With the tragic death of Tony Scott, Hollywood has lost yet another visionary perspective. While Tony's movies didn't always get the same praise and popularity as his older brothers', he still made a lasting impact on cinema in his own way. This list is a tribute to those shining moments in his career and give us all a chance to appreciate his contribution to the art of film.

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Tony Scott – A Filmmaker Who Moved With The Times

Following the director’s tragic death, FMV Magazine's Simon Collings takes a look at how Tony Scott moved with the times and examines the mark he left on cinema.

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