
I Give Up, I'm Playing Destiny 2 On PS4, Not Xbox One Or PC

Forbes: "Almost three years ago (has it been that long already?) I made a calculated decision to pick up Destiny for Xbox One instead of PS4. Yes, I knew Sony had some sort of deal with Activision/Bungie for special content, but the one friend I was determined to play with also was getting it on Xbox. Plus, after years of Halo, I figured the best way to play a Bungie shooter would be with an Xbox controller."

Bigpappy2566d ago ShowReplies(7)
xwabbit2566d ago (Edited 2566d ago )

Yeah, because playing at 30 fps is a must lol, I guess this guy doesn't know he can use basically any controller on PC.

freshslicepizza2565d ago

Hopefully the PC version is not being delayed.

starchild2564d ago

I'm going to get the PC version. I'm not concerned about it coming out later. I'm fairly certain that it will only be a matter of months. I already have so many other games to play.

dirkdady2564d ago (Edited 2564d ago )

Agree 100% with article. Don't want to wait for PC version which is assuredly delayed and don't really like to play pvp games on PC after overwatch and division left a bad taste with cheaters/hacks.

Scorpio is not all that enticing, I mean the game is going to be months ahead of the console releases and for all we know it's exactly the same as the ps pro version 30fps 4K (may be native?)without the exclusive content. I don't have a 4K tv so both Scorpio and pro can suck it.

Goldby2565d ago

read the article, you would know he mentions the fact the pc version is delayed as one of the reasons hes not getting it initially on PC but at a later date

VforVideogames2564d ago

I'm playing D2 on my favorite console with the far better and superior controller.

Goldby2563d ago

... Did you want a participation badge or something?

Erik73572565d ago

Yea honestly even if scorpio is 60fps I cant understand why anyone would prefer this on a console

Aenea2564d ago

Perhaps because they prefer consoles or like in many people's cases they met a ton of people thru Destiny 1 and want to play with the same people?

I know I do.... so I will be getting it for my PS4 Pro...

thekhurg2564d ago

Maybe all their friends are on a console?

Maybe they prefer playing in a living room on a big screen instead of at a computer desk?

Maybe they don't have a PC?

Maybe they want the exclusive Sony content?


Death2564d ago (Edited 2564d ago )

I would like it to be a Play Anywhere title, but Bungie already nixed that.

EatCrow2564d ago (Edited 2564d ago )

Well. People like to play on consoles. I myself am a pc guy but I understand the allure of consoles.
I do think pc is more accessible now then ever.

And thus is why I laugh when I hear people say they'll grab such and such game on pc instead of Xbox... It's like... Okay do you game on pc or not? You must get all multiplats on pc if you have a rig like that. But then those same people comment about playing a multiplat game on the Playstation. Makes no sense.

steveo1234562563d ago

Because they've never tried mouse/kB?

Once they do they won't go back

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2563d ago
juliotheman212564d ago

@thekhurg i play my pc games in my bed my pc is next to me on the floor monitor mounted on a wall. get good. gg

Ceaser98573612564d ago


"i play my pc games in my bed my pc is next to me on the floor monitor mounted on a wall. get good. gg"

good for you... I personally dont like gaming on PC, i am fine with my PS4 Pro and Xbox one and later Scorpio..

Clunkyd2563d ago

Sounds like a mess.
I doubt the majority of console only players would want that type of setup.

jmc88882564d ago

If he's getting it on PC later, then he IS playing Destiny 2 on PC... eventually.

Berenwulf2563d ago

Yeah right because controlller vs mouse is fair match...

3-4-52563d ago

We all HAD to play the first Destiny at 30 FPS....nobody seemed to mind then.

Didn't stop millions from having fun then did it?

But all the sudden two years later it's the end of the world? And then for some reason you "lol" at a frame rate speed?

Like thinking of frame rate speed actually makes you laugh out loud ? Are you insane ? literally insane ?

XanderZane2563d ago

@UltraNova, MegamanXXX, Discobastrd
I didn't ask first cause I thought they would get the version that would have all the content immediately. Yes, me and my friends used to work in the gaming business. We have ALL the game consoles dating back to the original NES. Last gen they got most of the online games on the XBox 360, but since they all played Diablo 3 on PS4, I figured they would be playing most of the other online games on the PS4. It was an honest mistake and I probably should have asked first, but I didn't. No need to be immature and rude. Yeah, being a "rude idiot" is "Well done mate". Kids.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2563d ago
VersusDMC2566d ago ShowReplies(1)
DarkOcelet2566d ago ShowReplies(1)
IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2564d ago ShowReplies(1)
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