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January Contest Winners

JL|2731d ago |Blog Post|2|

dauntingpixel - $75 Amazon gift card
Alxe - $50 Amazon gift card
WizzroSupreme - $25 Amazon gift card

Porcelain_Chicken - $75 Amazon gift card
Isashi - $75 Amazon gift card

Congrats to all winners. You will be notified via PM shortly.

Porcelain_Chicken2731d ago

Thank you so much JL! And thanks to all the peeps who keep FilmWatch running!

Aldous_Snow2730d ago


And well done everyone else.


Deadpool & Wolverine Saves The MCU And The Comic Book Movie Genre

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TV Show Casts Who Couldn't Stand Their Co-Stars

A TV show's cast might be close on screen, but behind the scenes, actors are prone to typical workplace drama. And sometimes, they just can't stand each other.


Star Wars: The Acolyte Season 1 Review | Episode 70

Star Wars: The Acolyte recently wrapped up its first season. There was a lot to love, but also a lot to criticize. RPadTV host (and rejected Sith apprentice) Raymond Padilla asked two of his nerd friends from the videogame business to drop by RPadTV for a review chat on Star Wars: The Acolyte Season 1. Today’s guests are longtime videogame critic Paul Semel and veteran PR exec MacLean Marshall.

beerhound2d ago

Good conversation about a good show.