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April Contest Details

JL|4189d ago |Blog Post|9|

Welcome to a new month of fun and prizes, fellow film freaks. With Iron Man 3 around the corner, we're going to celebrate that release this month. Check out the contests below.

To celebrate the release of Iron Man 3, we have a cool collectible for you Iron Man fans out there. Be one of the top 10 commenters of the month (based on most comments), and you'll be entered in for the lottery drawing.

The prize? A cool original Iron Man "Classic Silver" bust. One winner will be drawn from the pool of 10 to walk away with this cool prize to display and show off your fandom.

In addition, we're giving everyone another chance to pick up the awesome Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One Blu-ray box set. If you're the top-ranked commenter of the month, you'll walk away with this great 10-disc collector's set.

Be one of our top-ranked contributors and you'll walk away with money.

1st place: $50 Amazon gift card
2nd place: $25 Amazon gift card

So, there you have. Good luck to all.

Rules and Guidelines:
1. DVD prizes are for standard movies only. Box sets, special collector's editions or seasons of TV shows are not allowed unless otherwise stated.
2. Competition is open to all FilmWatch users, except for employees of HAVAmedia and immediate relatives. Contests are not limited to the US/NA.
3. In the event of unforeseen circumstances FilmWatch/HAVAmedia reserves the right to substitute the prizes for alternatives of equal or greater value.
4. Spamming of comments, heat altering or cheating of any nature will result in disqualification from all contests for the month.
5. Prizes are not transferrable.
6. The winners of the competition will be notified by PM here on FilmWatch.
7. Failure to reply to PM notification within seven (7) days results in forfeiture of prize.

aDDicteD4188d ago

That's a sweet Iron Man collectible!
Good luck to everyone! ^_^

TheHergulaX4181d ago

Agreed, that collectible is sweet.

alycakes4188d ago

Does sound good and I'm such an Iron Man fanatic. Good luck.

Sahil4188d ago

Holy Moly, that looks brilliant.

Good luck people :)

DarkBlood4188d ago

Nice sure would love to have either of the 2 prizes lol,

May the games begin :P

tresgrimm4186d ago

That would look great next to my Justin Beiber cardboard standup!!!

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