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September Contest Winners

JL|4278d ago |Blog Post|3|

Apologies for the delay on this as I've been without a computer for a week now and have been dealing with a move. But enough about stuff you guys don't care about. Let's get to what you really wanna know: who gets the goodies....

Grand Prize winner: aDDicteD (Indiana Jones set)
Runner-up winner: Crazay (TV show season of choice)

Grand Prize #1: Lord Sloth (Indiana Jones set)
Grand Prize #2: StarWarsFan (Indiana Jones set)
Runner-up: Soldierone (TV show season of choice)

So, there you have it. Congratulations to all and good luck this month. Winners will be contacted shortly via PM. Check this month's contests for more chances to win:

Crazay4278d ago

That's awesome. Thanks very much JL. Congrats everyone.

aDDicteD4278d ago

Sweet! Thanks and congrats to all winners

alycakes4278d ago

Congrats to everyone! Good luck on the next one.


Are Hugh Jackman's Worst Movies Still Worth Watching? - Looper

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The Boys Season 4, Episodes 1-3 Review | Episode 68

The Boys has returned to Amazon Prime Video, with the first three episodes of season four. Based on Garth Ennis’ wonderful and over-the-top comics, the TV adaptation of The Boys has been modernized to reflect the current political divide in America. In addition to scathing social commentary, expect ridiculous action, sharp humor, and moments that will make your jaw drop.

RPadTV host Raymond Padilla is a huge fan of the comics and the show. Naturally, he wanted to chat about the first three episodes of The Boys Season 4 with some fellow nerds. Joining him for a Compound V-infused chat are Turtle Beach’s MacLean Marshall and Revisiting the Mania’s Carlos Torres.

The three amigos talk about what they liked and didn’t like about The Boys Season 4 episodes 1-3, as well as what they want and expect from the reason of the season. They’ll discuss their favorite scenes (Vought On Ice!!!), interesting character developments, the review bombs that have been launched at The Boys Season 4, and more.

beerhound4d ago

Love the comics, need to watch this show.


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