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Filmwatch Staff Announcement

JL|4324d ago |Blog Post|9|

As the Filmwatch community consistently grows from month to month, it becomes a bit more of a chore for me to keep eyes on everything and to be able to really give everyone the attention they need. As such, I'm bringing on a helper.

Without further ado, let me introduce to you my new right-hand lady and the new Moderator of Filmwatch:

alycakes !

Aly is a great contributor to the community of Filmwatch and will be able to help out even more now. She'll be another you guys can turn to for help when needed. However, let's not overwhelm her in her first month on the job, so go easy on her.

Of course, I'll still be around and always open for you guys and gals to get in touch with.

So, congratulations and welcome alycakes!

TheCritic284324d ago

Congrats was well deserved!

LtSkittles4324d ago

Congrats Aly, you are one of the most active members of FW. Good job.

Soldierone4324d ago

Alycakes? Who's that? Never heard of her before....

;) haha, congrats fellow filmwatcher! (Yes I was joking above, just to make that clear lol)

alycakes4323d ago

Thanks all of you....thought I might as well help out...I practically live on this site but I enjoy it so why not.

darklordzor4323d ago

I know! Good to see you get the 'promotion' then. I know you'll do well with it. Remember!

With great power, comes great responsibility.

alycakes4323d ago

That sounds so familiar..ahhhh yes. I know..I'm a little excited and a little worried too but I have a lot of time on my hands. I'm at home almost everyday unless I have appointments or I go to a midweek matinee so I'll do my best to help and do well.

darklordzor4323d ago

Hey...maybe this means I can finally win a contest again ;)

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