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Filmwatch Goes to SDCC

JL|4368d ago |Blog Post|9|

It's July and that means the annual geek mecca is just around the corner. As the biggest event of geekdom and pop culture, SDCC brings plenty of good things for us movie geeks as well. I'll be there again this year covering the event for Filmwatch.

As such, I thought I'd let you guys and gals have some input. Below you will find links for all the movie and television panels being held at SDCC this year.

With everything from Man of Steel and Django Unchained to Big Bang Theory and Sons of Anarchy, there's plenty for every movie and TV geek to enjoy. So, let me know what you guys would be interested in seeing coverage from.

I can't guarantee I'll be able to bring back details from everything everyone wants to see. There's just too much to do, plus I have press obligations to fulfill. That being said, I will do what I can. Furthermore, this will give me an idea of what things everyone is interested in. After all, there are plenty of cool goodies to be had at SDCC! ;)

On that note, make sure to check back over the course of the month as I'm sure to be bringing back plenty of goodies from Comic-Con that I may set up giveaways for on here.

For live coverage of SDCC, feel free to follow my personal Twitter account as well as Filmwatch's twitter account:!/Couc...!/Film...

Crazay4368d ago

Man of Steel...for the love of all that is holy, please get some Man of Steel info.

JL4368d ago

Don't worry. I think (fingers crossed) I have my scheduled nailed down now. So, unless anything comes up, I should be camping in Hall H the entire day Saturday. That means Man of Steel, Hobbit, Pacific Rim, Django Unchained, Iron Man 3, Silent Hill and End of Watch. Plus whatever trailers they show. So yeah, that should be a pretty awesome day. Well, besides sitting in the same shitty uncomfortable chair for like 12 hours straight. Ah, the sacrifices I make for you guys :D lol

Crazay4368d ago

AHAHAH! Sweet. You know, maybe next year you could take along one of your fellow readers.

aDDicteD4368d ago

nice line-up, that'll be a very entertaining day indeed with those big titles. I'm sure that 12 hours will pass very shortly

alycakes4368d ago

I was going to say Iron Man 3 and Man of Steel...that's a great panel day that you have set up.

I know you know what I would really like but Firefly probably isn't on your schedule...If you see any of the cast though or get any of their pictures or autograhs...that would be cool.....Joss Whedon would be even better.

JL4367d ago

Firefly panel is going to be hell to get into. However, I do have possible plans to go to a different panel that includes Fillion. We'll have to see about autographs. Asking for them during interviews is a no-no.

But I'll definitely see about bringing about some goodies for y'all.

Soldierone4365d ago

If you see any Spider-Man stuff (preferably for free) wanna snag it for a Spider-man nerd that roams these here parts? ;)

alycakes4359d ago

How many times have you seen Spider-Man? Going to see it for the second time today....hope the theater isn't full...probably won't be in the middle of the week.

Soldierone4358d ago

Going again in 3D as soon as I get my code out of the cereal box for a free upgrade :D


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