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T-Shirt Giveaway Sponsored by Tees 'N Things

JL|4768d ago |Blog Post|13|


The contest is over and we now have our winners.

Congratulations to Soldierone and sickshot69. Winners will be contacted via PM.

As a reminder, those of you who didn't win can still pick up some cool shirts at a discounted price using the promo code found below. This will remain valid for the rest of September.

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So, we have a special giveaway for you guys and gals this month. The guys over at Tees 'N Things have been nice enough to give us a couple shirts for a giveaway here.

We'll draw two winners at the end of the contest. Each winner will win their choice of one t-shirt from one of the following categories on Tees 'N Things:


Captain America

Green Lantern



Now, of course, I'm sure you want to know how to win. Well, in keeping with the theme, let's have a little fun with it. It's no big secret that Hollywood is in love with comic books these days. However, with more and more comic books being adapted for the big screen, there are still plenty out there that would make for great films. Maybe even more so than seeing the origin of a favorite superhero for the umpteenth time.

So, that being said, let's hear your thoughts. What comic book would you like to see adapted for the big screen or what superhero would you like to see finally get their own movie?

This contest will be open until Monday, September 12th at 11:59pm EST. At the end of that time, two winners will be drawn to win a shirt of their choice courtesy of Tees 'N Things. For all others, though, don't despair as Tees 'N Things have also given us a code exclusively for FilmWatch members. This will entitle you to 10% off any purchase on their site, which you can find below.

Coupon Code: FW0911

So, let's hear your choice. And again, we thank Tees 'N Things for hooking us up with the cool gear. I encourage all of you to go check out their store and visit them for all your t-shirt needs. Keep in mind, the more traffic and business they receive from this, then the more likely they are to donate to us again, which means even more cool stuff for you guys. This even includes a potential T-Shirt of the Month partnership if all goes well.

Crazay4767d ago (Edited 4767d ago )

I might take a little heat for these but here goes with a few of my favorites growing up.

Groo The Wanderer: I always found the character to be alot of fun to read about. Something about the satirical play on the world of Barbarians and Sorcery - Sadly I don't think it would do well, but He was always a character that I liked.

Elfquest: Dunno what it was about this series that I liked but I was a pretty big fan. I think that someone like Peter Jackson could turn this series into a massive blockbuster.

Archie: I KNOW I KNOW! This is where I'm going to eat it the most but hey what can I say? As a fellow redhead with a soft spot for Blonds and Brunettes, I can identify with the guy. Provided they had the right pieces in place, this would be a pretty successful franchise. I mean look at Alvin and the Chipmunks. It's getting a 3rd movie FFS.

Tomb of Dracula: I read my 1st issue of this series at my grandfathers cottage. My Uncles used to have a bunch of them and I have very fond memories of this series. I even bough 30 issues of the 70 issues on Ebay in the last year. Hoping to complete this collection in the next year or 2. Vamps are still hot so why not dust off the Dracula name?

Turok - Not the shite he was turned into with machine guns and things. I want the original Turok Son of Stone from the 50s and 60s (Yes I had those - but they have since been tossed out - OH I KNOW! Don't get me started on that). Not so sure this would ever fly with studios or audiences.

Last but not least, I'd actually like to see movies based on the Villains in comics. There's been graphic novels that look at the psyche or side stories involving some of the bad guys from comics, why not make a movie out of that. If only Heath Ledger was still alive, I bet they would have given something like that a shot with the Joker.

JL4767d ago

To be honest, I never overly got into comics, so I don't have a ton of say in this. I have thought about the "from the villain's point of view" thing though and think that would be cool.

As for Archie. I, too, used to really enjoy those comics. However, it's already been made...pretty much. In my opinion, Saved By The Bell was just a slightly revamped version of the Archie comics.

Zack was an "anti-hero" version of Archie. Undoubtedly that change been made to the lead due to the popularity of Ferris Bueller back then. Slater was Reggie. Screech is definitely your Jughead character (with a bit of Dilton thrown in).

With the girls it gets a bit murky in places. It seems traits from Betty and Veronica were kinda scattered amongst the Saved by the Bell girls. Of course Lisa also fills the role of the "ethnic" one that Chuck filled in the comic.

Which leads to the definite love triangle. Of course, Saved by the Bell switches it up a bit. Instead of being 2 girls and 1 guy like in Archie (with Reggie there to even it out at times), Saved by the Bell goes for the 2 guys and 1 girl scenario (with Jessie there to even it out sometimes).

Can't tell me Mr. Belding is not cut from the exact same cloth as Mr. Weatherbee. Even the Weatherbee/Archie dynamics are carried over in the Belding/Zack relationship. Hell, they even call Mr. Belding "Mr. B" often (while Weatherbee was often referred to as "The Bee").

Malt shop....Max's Diner.

Hell, they even have a Moose character in Saved by the Bell that they actually call Moose.

There are tons of parallels between the two. So as far as I'm concerned, Saved by the Bell IS Archie.

h44l4767d ago

Martian Manhunter as a founding member of the Justice League is the most underrated superhero of all time. He has so many super powers like Superman plus many others like shapeshifting, telekinesis, telepathy and invisiblility, etc. He thorughly deserves his own movie & I'll watch it for sure!

smikey11234766d ago

I think Transmetropolotan would make an excellent movie. Between having an engrossing political plot to great excuse to use special effects, it has all the makings of a great summer movie.

Soldierone4766d ago

Oh man they have some sick Spider-Man shirts! How long will that code be active? I might have to use when I have some money!

For comic heroes here are some I want to see

-My own Comic book hero Shadow! I have been working on him for nearly two years now and he is starting to see the light of day as I finally got an artist. :P He is really awesome looking, maybe they could sell a few shirts too :D Joking aside, I would really love to see some of these indie comics make it big too. I have talked with them on my adventures and some of them have really awesome stories, not your typical super hero story line.

- Justice League. This is big, but I have been dying to see a Justice League movie ever since the first Spider-man movie. I have all kinds of Justice League things, and would probably see the movie 50 times.

-Hack/Slash My Girlfriend actually picked this one up, not me. However I looked into it just to see what it was and its rather awesome. Go check it out yourself, its not a stereotypical comic book and I think its where Hollywood could turn to to revive comic book movies.

-Martian Manhunter. I agree with the statements above, and I also have been a big fan of him. I have a few things specifiably for him that are rather neat.

-Teen Titans. I say this because the cartoons and what not were rather neat. However the true reason I want to see this is for the younger audience. They seem to be taking these heroes and intriguing the older crowd more and more, which in turn makes them darker. I think if you can intrigue the younger crowd, you can also transfer that into comic book readers also.

Black Canary- I simply just love female leads like this. I would be happy with a similar character getting a movie too, but Black Canary was the first to come to mind. A lot of Indie comics have some interesting female leads that I wouldn't mind either.

I think I am running out of words to type before the comment think cuts me off, so i will stop there lol.

JL4766d ago

I'll have to check in on how long the code is valid.

alxmen4766d ago

Hi everyone - this code is effective through September. looking forward to seeing you at the shop :)


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